San Antonio Express-News

Trump hurts GOP


As a lifelong Republican, I was disappoint­ed that the red wave did not materializ­e but just a red trickle. I feel there were several reasons for this, but there were three that resonated with voters.

The first was the Jan. 6, 2021, debacle where it was so clear that President Donald Trump had organized it for days, instructed his faithful followers to act like vicious animals and then never tried to stop them. The “spell” of Trump is over.

The second thing that hurt Republican­s was the Dobbs decision overturnin­g Roe v. Wade. This made a big majority of women very angry.

The Democrats did a great job registerin­g and recruiting the Gen Z population. This group came out in droves to vote against halting abortion in many states. Of course, they voted in masses to have President Joe Biden excuse their student debt. As others have said, “If your college degree doesn’t have enough value for you to pay it off, it certainly does not have enough value for me to pay it off.”


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