San Antonio Express-News



Take this Super Quiz to a Ph. D. Score. 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the Ph. D. Level.

Subject: CHILDREN’S BOOKS Provide the last word to complete the title of the popular children’s book. (e.g., “Where the Wild Things ____.” Answer: Are.)


1. “Charlie and the Chocolate ____” Answer________

2. “The Lion, the Witch and the _____” Answer________

3. “Charlotte’s ____” Answer________

4. “Anne of Green ____” Answer________

5. “The Cat in the ___” Answer________

GRADUATE LEVEL 6. “The Secret ____” Answer________

7. “The Wind in the ____” Answer________

8. “The Little Engine That ____” Answer________

9. “Curious ____” Answer________

10. “Green Eggs and ____” Answer________


11. “James and the Giant ____” Answer________

12. “The Very Hungry _____” Answer________

13. “Horton Hears a _____!” Answer________

14. “Are You My ___?” Answer________

15. “Mr. Popper’s ____” Answer________

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