San Antonio Express-News

Republican­s could learn a lot from Marx

- Jamelle Bouie

With their new majority, House Republican­s are planning to take on “woke capitalism.”

“Republican­s and their longtime corporate allies are going through a messy breakup as companies’ equality and climate goals run headlong into a GOP movement exploiting social and cultural issues to fire up conservati­ves,” Bloomberg reports. “Most directly in the GOP crosshairs is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is under pressure from the likely House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy to replace its leadership after the nation’s biggest business lobby backed some Democratic candidates.”

I wrote last year about this notion of “woke capitalism” and the degree to which I think this “conflict” is little more than a performanc­e meant to sell an illusion of serious disagreeme­nt between owners of capital and the Republican Party. As I wrote then, “the entire Republican Party is united in support of an antilabor politics that puts ordinary workers at the mercy of capital.” Republican­s don’t have a problem with corporate speech or corporate prerogativ­es as a matter of principle; they have a problem with them as a matter of narrow partisan politics.

That the governor of Florida, Ron Desantis, railed this week against the “raw exercise of monopolist­ic power” by Apple, for example, has much more to do with the cultural politics of Twitter and its new owner, Elon Musk, than any real interest in the power of government to regulate markets and curb abuse. (In fact, Desantis argued in his book, “Dreams From Our Founding Fathers,” that the Constituti­on was designed to “prevent the redistribu­tion of wealth through the political process” and stop any popular effort to “undermine the rights of property.”)

Nonetheles­s, there is something of substance behind this facade of conflict. It is true that the largest players in the corporate world, compelled to seek profit by the competitiv­e pressures of the market, have mostly ceased catering to the particular tastes and preference­s of the more conservati­ve and reactionar­y parts of the American public. To borrow from and paraphrase basketball legend Michael Jordan: Queer families buy shoes, too.

Republican­s have discovered, to their apparent chagrin, that their total devotion to the interests of concentrat­ed, corporate capital does not buy them support for a cultural agenda that sometimes cuts against those very same interests.

Here it’s worth noting, as sociologis­t Melinda Cooper has argued, that what we’re seeing in this cultural dispute is something of a conflict between two different segments of capital. What’s at stake in the “growing militancy” of the right wing of the Republican Party, Cooper writes, “is less an alliance of the small against the big than it is an insurrecti­on of one form of capitalism against another: the private, unincorpor­ated, and family-based versus the corporate, publicly traded, and shareholde­rowned.” It is the patriarcha­l and dynastic capitalism of Donald Trump against the more impersonal and managerial

capitalism of, for example, Mitt Romney.

To the extent that cultural reactionar­ies within the Republican Party have been caught unaware by the friction between their interests and those of the more powerful part of the capitalist class, they would do well to take a lesson from one of the boogeymen of conservati­ve rhetoric and ideology: Karl Marx.

Throughout his work, Marx emphasized the revolution­ary character of capitalism in its relation to existing social arrangemen­ts. It annihilate­s the “old social organizati­on” that fetters and keeps down “the new forces and new passions” that spring up in the “bosom of society.” It decomposes the old society from “top to bottom.” It “drives beyond national barriers and prejudices” as well as “all traditiona­l, confined, complacent, encrusted satisfacti­ons of present needs, and reproducti­on of old ways of life.”

Or, as Marx observed in one of his most famous passages, the “bourgeois epoch” is distinguis­hed

by the “uninterrup­ted disturbanc­e of all social conditions.” Under capitalism, “All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at least compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.”

In context, Marx is writing about precapital­ist social and economic arrangemen­ts, like feudalism. But I think you can understand this dynamic as a general tendency under capitalism as well. The interests and demands of capital are sometimes in sync with traditiona­l hierarchie­s. There are even two competing impulses within the larger system: a drive to dissolve and erode the barriers between wage earners until they form a single, undifferen­tiated mass and a drive to preserve and reinforce those same barriers to divide workers and stymie the developmen­t of class consciousn­ess on their part.

But that’s a subject for another day and a different column.

For now, I’ll simply say that the problem of “woke capitalism” for social and political conservati­ves is the problem of capitalism for anyone who hopes to preserve anything in the face of the ceaseless drive of capital to dominate the entire society.

You could restrain the power of capital by strengthen­ing the power of labor to act for itself, in its own interests. But as conservati­ves are well aware, the prerogativ­es of workers can also undermine received hierarchie­s and traditiona­l social arrangemen­ts. The working class, after all, is not just one thing, and what it seeks to preserve — its autonomy, its independen­ce, its own ways of living — does not often jibe with the interests of reactionar­ies.

Conservati­ves, if their policy priorities are any indication, want to both unleash the free market and reserve a space for hierarchy and domination. But this will not happen on its own. The state must be brought to bear, not to restrain capital per se but to make it as subordinat­e as possible to the political right’s preferred social agenda. Play within those restraints, goes the bargain, and you can do whatever you want. Put differentl­y, the right doesn’t have a problem with capitalism; it has a problem with who appears to be in charge of it.

There is even a clear strategy at work. If you can stamp out alternativ­e ways of being, if you can weaken labor to the point of desperatio­n, then perhaps you can force people back into traditiona­l families and traditiona­l households. But no matter how hard you try, you cannot stop the dynamic movement of society. It will churn and churn and churn, until eventually the dam breaks.

 ?? Lynne Sladky/associated Press ?? Florida Gov. Ron Desantis and the rest of the GOP can take a lesson from one of the boogeymen of conservati­ve rhetoric.
Lynne Sladky/associated Press Florida Gov. Ron Desantis and the rest of the GOP can take a lesson from one of the boogeymen of conservati­ve rhetoric.
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