San Antonio Express-News

Keep a flashlight handy for help in emergencie­s

- Dr. Bob Durham, Schertz, Texas Lynne Gallegor, via email Heloise

In my adult life, I have never been without a good flashlight. Extremely strong LED flashlight­s can be used in cases of emergencie­s to temporaril­y blind an assailant.

John Emmons, via email

John, I think we all can agree how helpful and useful flashlight­s are in our lives. So, to my readers, buy batteries when you plan to use a flashlight, because batteries, like lithium-ion ones, do age.

To keep them useful longer, store them indoors during the winter and in cool places during the hot summer.

Dear Readers:


Because we use our cell phones and landlines so much, they do get dirty and need to be cleaned often. To remove makeup, smudges or dirt, spritz an all-purpose cleaning spray onto a paper towel and wipe over the dirtiest areas on the phone. Never spray cleaners directly onto the phone. For a quick clean, use prepackage­d wet towelettes.


Dear Heloise: You are going to love this! For Christmas, my friend gave her grandchild­ren small charcuteri­e boards. They are in middle school. She also gave them a knife safe for children.

Corrinne Berkland, Universal City, Texas

Corrinne, how lovely! For my readers who don’t know, a charcuteri­e board is a selection of meats accompanie­d by nuts, fruits, crackers and dips.

Dear Heloise:


I am in my late 70s, and my memory is not so sharp anymore. I easily forget doctor’s names, but will recognize the name when I see it. So, when I put my doctor’s names in my contacts, I precede the name with “Dr.” and put that with the whole name into the “first name” field — for example, “Dr. Joe Smith.” So, now all my doctors are listed together under “Dr.,” and I can easily pick out the correct one to call.

I also do a similar technique with restaurant­s that I call for takeout, by preceding the restaurant name with “Cafe.” It’s important in both cases to put it all in the “first name” field so that they display in alphabetic­al order, starting with “Dr.” or “Cafe.”

Dear Heloise: This is our Golden Ginger who had just given birth to nine puppies! She is a wonderful and proud momma.

Readers, to see Lynne’s Golden Ginger and our other Pet Pals, go to Heloise. com and click on “Pet of the Week.” Do you have a furry friend to share with our readers? Send a photo and a brief descriptio­n to Heloise@heloise. com.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or Email:

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