San Antonio Express-News

Does the law apply to Clarence Thomas?

- Jamelle Bouie

The law is a little different for those at the top.

As the world now knows, Justice Clarence Thomas did not disclose a real estate deal he and his family made in 2014 with Harlan Crow, a billionair­e Republican donor. Thomas and several other relatives sold his mother’s home in Savannah, Ga., along with two vacant lots, for $133,363 to a company owned by Crow.

“Soon after the sale was completed,” according to Propublica, “contractor­s began work on tens of thousands of dollars of improvemen­ts.”

Thomas’ mother, Leola Williams, 94, still lives in the house. Neither she nor the justice appears to pay rent.

There is some dispute over whether Thomas actually violated federal disclosure laws by accepting gifts from Crow — as Propublica also revealed — without reporting them to the government. Thomas’ legal obligation­s on this real estate transactio­n are a little more straightfo­rward. Under the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, passed in the wake of Watergate, federal officials, including members of the federal judiciary, are required to disclose most real estate transactio­ns totaling more than $1,000.

Thomas, in other words, may have broken the law.

If so, then penalties for either falsifying or “knowingly or willfully” failing to file or report required informatio­n include fines of as much as $71,316 per omission and, potentiall­y, a criminal referral. In 2015, for example, as CNN reported, “a financial administra­tor for the Federal Bureau of Prisons was given three years probation and paid a $5,000 fine for failing to disclose a business relationsh­ip he had with a federal contractor that was competing to provide inmate health care services.”

The idea that Thomas will face any penalty, much less an official investigat­ion by the Supreme Court, is obviously wish-casting. The politics of the court, the lack of any internal check on the court’s members and the general unwillingn­ess of Congress to challenge the court’s power — or even scrutinize its affairs — mean Thomas can act with relative impunity.

And even if he couldn’t, even if there were meaningful and politicall­y feasible consequenc­es for misconduct among members of the Supreme Court — impeachmen­t is practicall­y a

dead letter — there’s the fact that the law is simply more forgiving of the rich and the powerful.

If Thomas were an ordinary federal employee — or even an ordinary federal judge — he would probably have to answer to authoritie­s for his failure to disclose income from a real estate sale for nearly a decade. As it stands, it is apparently enough for him to amend the form in question, as he did in 2011 after he failed to report the more than $686,000 his wife, Ginni Thomas, earned from the Heritage Foundation between 2003 and 2007. When asked to report his spouse’s income, Thomas had checked the box labeled “none.” (Thomas has in fact let it be known that he intends to amend his disclosure forms to account for the 2014 real estate transactio­n.)

It is apparently no harm and no foul for a justice of the Supreme Court to show willful

and repeated indifferen­ce to disclosure requiremen­ts under the law.

Here, it’s worth saying that Thomas is notoriousl­y unforgivin­g of criminal defendants who make procedural mistakes. In a 2022 opinion for the court, he narrowed the scope of appeals for state prisoners — including those on death row — who believe they received inadequate legal representa­tion. Thomas says those prisoners can no longer present new evidence to support their claim.

The issue is that most claims of poor assistance involve new evidence. Too bad, says Thomas. If it wasn’t presented at the appropriat­e point in the process, then it doesn’t count. The Constituti­on, as interprete­d by Thomas, doesn’t allow prisoners to amend the form.

To move away from the Supreme Court for a moment, we can see this pattern of leniency

for some and the stiff arm of the law for everyone else wherever we choose to look in American society. Take the workplace. A 2017 study by the Economic Policy Institute found that in the 10 most populous states, an estimated 2.4 million people lose a combined $8 billion income to unscrupulo­us employers. If this is representa­tive of national trends, the institute contends, then American workers lose more than $15 billion a year to wage theft. For comparison’s sake, the total losses attributed to all property crime in 2018 amounted to $16.4 billion.

If you are a regular person and you shoplift from Walgreens, you might be arrested. The law doesn’t usually let you make restitutio­n or return the item you stole. If you are Walgreens, on the other hand, and you take millions of dollars’ worth of wages from your employees, then you can just pay

them back — provided the victims bring a class-action lawsuit, as a group of Walgreens workers in California did in 2018. Walgreens settled with them in 2020.

Of course, no account of our legal double standards would be complete without the example of President Donald Trump, who spent his career in real estate skirting the law and made a show of his lawlessnes­s while in office. It’s only now, more than two years after he left the White House, that he is in any danger of criminal prosecutio­n and legal accountabi­lity. And so far, it’s for falsifying business records and not any of his more egregious offenses.

This is all to say that the United States is a nation of laws if you are an ordinary citizen. However, with a little money and a little power — or at least a seat on the Supreme Court — the law becomes less of a directive and more of a suggestion.

 ?? Allison V. Smith/new York Times ?? Democratic lawmakers have reiterated calls to tighten ethics rules for the Supreme Court after a report shed light on gifts and favors Justice Clarence Thomas, pictured in Dallas last year, accepted from a major conservati­ve donor for nearly 20 years. “The law is a little different for those at the top,” writes New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie.
Allison V. Smith/new York Times Democratic lawmakers have reiterated calls to tighten ethics rules for the Supreme Court after a report shed light on gifts and favors Justice Clarence Thomas, pictured in Dallas last year, accepted from a major conservati­ve donor for nearly 20 years. “The law is a little different for those at the top,” writes New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie.
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