San Antonio Express-News

Seasoning bottles can be reused in the kitchen

- Heloise Christine T., Goshen, New York Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or Email:

Dear Heloise:

Since I like to recycle and reuse items, I thought I’d send you a hint for used spice bottles when they become empty. I buy the kind with the perforated holes so that the contents can be shaken out. Here are some uses for them:

1. Fill one with dusting powder. It makes less of a mess than a powder puff.

2. Store leftover glitter to use for various crafts.

3. Fill one with sugar and cinnamon, mix it together and use it on buttered toast.

4. Store toothpicks in one.

5. Put embroidery thread inside one and thread it through the holes. This prevents tangling.

6. I also store a little flour in one to sprinkle on meats before frying.

7. I store sewing needles in another, and that way, they don’t get lost!

A Reader, via email

Dear Heloise: You had a recipe for a cherry-pineapple cake that was delicious, but I’ve lost the recipe. It was so easy to make. Would you reprint it? I really need it for the coming holidays. It’s a great dessert to take to parties. June M., Montpelier, Vermont

June, it’s not only easy to prepare, but it can be done so quickly that it leaves you enough time to get ready for the parties. Here it is:

1 20-ounce can of crushed pineapple in heavy syrup

1 21-ounce can of cherry pie filling 1 package of yellow cake mix (2-layer size)

1 3-ounce can (or 1 cup) pecans, chopped

1/2 cup (or 1 stick) butter or margarine Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease a 9-by-13-inch baking pan. Spread pineapple with its syrup evenly on the pan. Spoon pie filling evenly over pineapple. Sprinkle dry cake mix evenly over the mixture and then the chopped nuts. Slice the chilled butter or margarine in thin slices; then put strips evenly over other ingredient­s. Bake for 50 minutes or until golden. Serve warm.

If you like easy recipes, especially with the upcoming holiday parties on the horizon, then you’ll want my pamphlet “Heloise’s Cake Recipes.” There are several recipes that are simple, yet tasty enough to impress everyone. To get a copy, just send $3, along with a stamped, self-addressed, long envelope to: Heloise/cakes, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001.

Dear Heloise:

I ran out of matches, but wanted to light a candle on my coffee table. I looked around the house and saw spaghetti in my pantry. I decided to try lighting one end to see if it would catch fire, and it did. I was able to light my tall candles that had burnt down.

Who knew spaghetti could be so useful?!

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