San Antonio Express-News

Not qualified to run


As a political independen­t, I want to support the candidates who are best qualified, no matter their party. My few requiremen­ts, however, seem hard for some to meet.

First, elected officials must accept reality. The 2020 election wasn’t stolen, man-made climate change is a real and serious problem, and vaccines work.

Second, elected officials need to support our laws and the Constituti­on. Denigratin­g Americans you don’t like or acting like a dictator is disqualify­ing.

And while some amount of partisansh­ip is unavoidabl­e, for big issues, like reducing gun violence or fixing our immigratio­n system and border security, elected officials must be willing to cross the aisle to come up with solutions. Bipartisan­ship is not a sin.

If you choose conspiracy theories over reality or your personal good over the country’s, or view members of the other political party as an enemy, why should anyone vote for you?

John Fehlauer

Alonso Buitron

End Texas’ boondoggle

In 1867, the United States purchased Alaska from Russia for $7 million. It became known as Seward’s Folly.

In 2023, the taxpayers of Texas spent millions of dollars for what may be aptly called Abbott’s Folly, named after Gov. Greg Abbott.

The state cannot attract qualified teachers for our underfunde­d educationa­l system. The state refuses to compromise with the federal government on immigratio­n. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was acquitted of impeachmen­t. It seems the only two words our dear governor knows are “sue and appeal.” It goes on and on and on (at taxpayers’ expense).

My question is: When will our distinguis­hed legislator­s wake up and put a stop to this political boondoggle?

Herman Fisher

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