San Antonio Express-News

Parisians vote to hit SUVS with eye-popping parking costs

- By Helena Alves and John Leicester

PARIS — Parisians voted Sunday to muscle SUVS off the French capital’s streets by making them much more expensive to park starting next September, the latest leg in a drive by Socialist Mayor Anne Hidalgo to make the host city for this year’s Olympic Games greener and friendlier for pedestrian­s and cyclists.

More than 54% of the votes cast in the low-turnout election supported the measure to triple parking fees for large SUV drivers from out of town to $19.50 per hour in the city’s center, according to official results from City Hall. Only 5.7% of the 1.3 million eligible voters cast ballots at the 39 voting stations around the city.

In get-out-the-vote posts on social media, Hidalgo argued that SUVS take up too much space on narrow Parisian streets, are too polluting and “threaten our health and our planet,” and cause more traffic accidents than smaller cars. The additional fees will come into force from Sept. 1, Hidalgo said.

“The time has come to break with this tendency for cars that are always bigger, taller, wider,” she said. “You have the power to take back ownership of our streets.”

The cost for non-residents to park SUVS in Paris’ central districts, in the arrondisse­ments numbered 1 through 11, would soar to $19.50 per hour for the first two hours, compared to 6 euros per hour for smaller cars.

After that, parking would become increasing­ly punitive. A six-hour stay with an SUV — enough, say, to take in a show and a restaurant — would cost a whopping $243, compared to 75 euros for smaller vehicles.

Away from the heart of the city, in Paris’ outer arrondisse­ments numbered 12 through 20, an out-of-town SUV driver would pay 12 euros per hour for the first two hours, progressiv­ely rising to 150 euros for six hours.

The mini-referendum was open to Parisians registered to

vote. The question they were asked was: “For or against the creation of a specific rate for the parking of heavy, bulky, polluting

individual cars?”

Cyreane Demur, a 20-yearold student, voted in the chic 8th arrondisse­ment that includes

that car-clogged Champs-elysées boulevard and its chaotic traffic circle around the monumental Arc de Triomphe.

 ?? Michel Euler/associated Press ?? Parisians voted to triple parking fees for large SUV drivers from out of town to $19.50 per hour in the city’s center, according to official results from City Hall.
Michel Euler/associated Press Parisians voted to triple parking fees for large SUV drivers from out of town to $19.50 per hour in the city’s center, according to official results from City Hall.

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