San Antonio Express-News

Fire do-nothing reps


Poor House Republican­s, they just can’t seem to get it together.

I cannot remember the last time they accomplish­ed anything. Can you? House Republican­s do nothing but fight among themselves.

“We the People” pay them very handsomely; most of them receive $174,000 per year. Yet they do absolutely nothing.

They work for us, “We the People.” Why do we continue to pay them all this money? They refuse to compromise on any legislatio­n. Their philosophy is “win at all costs!” But time after time after time, the “losers” are “We the People.”

Since they refuse to work for “We the People,” it is past time to give them the pink slip for their poor performanc­e.

Peter Morris

Better way to elect

Our elections process is a con. Controlled by a duopoly of two parties, mindless mudslingin­g and avoidance of the issues, the current process is only an illusion that people have power through their vote.

Eliminate the business of selling the presidency, and truly give the public the power to choose a representa­tive, not a mouthpiece paid for by power brokers with deep pockets.

Rather than a slate of candidates, replace them with a slate of the issues that resonate with the American people.

Have candidates submit a positions questionna­ire on where they stand on the issues of the day. Those candidates who best align with a majority of the public on each issue become the officehold­ers.

Milan Mrvichin

Abbott harms public ed

Gov. Greg Abbott continues to attack members of his own party who do not support his push for private school vouchers. Members such as state Rep. Steve Allison, of San Antonio, who has a stellar history of support for public education.

Abbott wants to allow any parent to choose a school that is best for their child — charter or private, and use public tax money to support that move.

At the same time, the governor holds teacher pay raises hostage. How can that be justified? Teachers either deserve a pay raise or they don’t. The basis for that decision should not be whether vouchers are approved.

Abbott seems to believe there are numerous problems with public schools in Texas. Therefore, parents should be given thousands of dollars and allowed to choose their own school.

But if the governor thinks schools need improvemen­t, what is he, as chief executive officer of Texas, doing to accomplish that? It stops at your desk, governor.

Joe Lazor

 ?? Chip Somodevill­a/getty Images ?? Since House Speaker Mike Johnson and other Republican­s reject bipartisan deals, a reader urges “We the People” to boot them from office.
Chip Somodevill­a/getty Images Since House Speaker Mike Johnson and other Republican­s reject bipartisan deals, a reader urges “We the People” to boot them from office.

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