San Diego Union-Tribune (Sunday)


Mineral digging planned at edge of wildlife refuge

- BY RUSS BYNUM Bynum writes for The Associated Press.

A mining company said last week that it plans to dig for minerals without a federal permit at the edge of the vast wildlife refuge in the Okefenokee Swamp, a big step for a once-embattled project that’s now benefiting from the Trump administra­tion’s rollback of environmen­tal rules.

For more than a year, Twin Pines Minerals pursued a permit under the federal Clean Water Act to mine less than 4 miles from the home of the largest U.S. wildlife refuge east of the Mississipp­i River. Conservati­onists worry mining could cause irreparabl­e harm to a fragile ecosystem that serves as a habitat for alligators, bald eagles and other protected species.

The Army Corps of Engineers, the agency handling the permit request, recently concluded most of the wetlands that would be drained or otherwise affected by the proposed mine are no longer protected under federal rules recently revised at the direction of the White House.

Twin Pines President Steve Ingle said in a statement Tuesday that his company is moving ahead with plans to mine on nearly 600 acres near the Georgia-florida


“Because waters of the United States will not be affected,” Ingle said, “no federal permits will be required.”

Allowing the mining project to bypass federal permitting threatens “a conservati­on tragedy,” said Christian Hunt of the environmen­tal group Defenders of Wildlife. Others called the decision an early consequenc­e of a sweeping policy change that’s made waterways more vulnerable to pollution and destructio­n from developmen­t, industry and farms.

“These decisions are being made across the country, and we’re only starting to see the consequenc­es,“said Greg Gisler, a senior attorney for the Southern Environmen­tal Law Center. “I think what we’ll see over the next several months, until this rule is thrown out or changes, is that we’re going to lose the streams and wetlands that we depend on.”

In January, heads of the Environmen­tal Protection Agency and the Army Corps signed the policy change narrowing the types of waterways that qualify for federal protection under the half-century-old Clean Water Act.

President Donald Trump had long pushed for revision of Obama-era rules adopted in 2015, calling them overly burdensome on builders, industry and farmers. Environmen­tal groups say the rollback allows pollution of now-unprotecte­d waterways and destructio­n of some wetlands that serve vital functions filtering contaminan­ts and providing buffers against flooding of adjacent uplands.

Twin Pines’ proposal to mine for titanium dioxide outside the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge caused an immediate outcry. The refuge covers nearly 630 square miles near the Georgia-florida state line. Its tea-colored waters, cypress forests and flooded prairies draw an estimated 600,000 visitors each year.

As the Army Corps weighed concerns from conservati­onists and government wildlife agencies, Twin Pines withdrew its applicatio­n in February. A month later it submitted a new plan that significan­tly shrunk the project.

The nearly 600-acre footprint Twin Pines announced Tuesday is even smaller, less than half the size the company originally proposed.

The Army Corps reassessed certain wetlands at Twin Pines’ request after Trump’s new clean-water rules took effect in June. The agency confirmed Tuesday that, under the rules change, the tract would no longer require a federal permit.

The Fish and Wildlife Service said in a letter to the Army Corps a year ago that there was “great uncertaint­y” surroundin­g how mining near the swamp’s edge might affect its ability to hold water.

 ?? STUART TANNEHILL AP FILE ?? A mining company said Tuesday it plans to dig for minerals without a federal permit at the edge of the vast wildlife refuge in the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia.
STUART TANNEHILL AP FILE A mining company said Tuesday it plans to dig for minerals without a federal permit at the edge of the vast wildlife refuge in the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia.

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