San Diego Union-Tribune (Sunday)


Seismic survey would be prelude to possible oil drilling

- BY HENRY FOUNTAIN Fountain writes for The New York Times.

The Trump administra­tion has relaunched long-delayed plans to conduct a seismic survey in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska as a prelude to drilling for oil there.

The Bureau of Land Management on Friday released a proposal to begin a seismic survey in December that would look for undergroun­d signs of oil reserves over more than half a million acres on the east side of the refuge’s coastal plain. The bureau said it would accept public comments on the plan, which was proposed by an Alaska Native village corporatio­n, for 14 days before deciding whether to issue a permit.

Environmen­tal and conservati­on groups in Alaska and elsewhere immediatel­y criticized the action, saying it would permanentl­y harm the delicate arctic tundra and affect polar bears and other wildlife in what is one of the most remote and pristine parts of the United States. They also said that the rapid time frame meant that a thorough environmen­tal review would not be possible.

The land that would be surveyed is part of the socalled 1002 Area, which the Trump Administra­tion and Congress opened to oil and gas developmen­t in 2017, reversing decades of protection­s.

In August, the Interior Department finished reviews of plans to sell oil and gas leases in the area, saying the sale could occur before the end of the year. Environmen­tal groups have filed suit to stop the sale, and so far the lease sales have not occurred.

The 1002 Area is thought to overlie geological formations that might hold billions of barrels of oil, but that assessment is based largely on the only seismic survey ever conducted there, in the 1980s. Only one explorator­y well has ever been drilled in the refuge, and a New York Times investigat­ion found that the results were disappoint­ing.

The new proposal, by the Kaktovik Inupiat Corp., would use improved technology that can produce three-dimensiona­l images of undergroun­d formations. It would involve deploying heavy trucks across the tundra in a grid pattern, as well as supplies and mobile living quarters for a crew of 180 workers.

Because of the potential for damaging the tundra, the work could only be conducted when there was sufficient snow cover and frozen ground. But damage from the previous seismic work, which was also conducted in winter, can still be seen today.

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