San Diego Union-Tribune (Sunday)


Trump campaign sets up fundraisin­g for prolonged fight


Calling Joe Biden his “brother,” Barack Obama on Saturday accused Donald Trump of failing to take the coronaviru­s pandemic and the presidency seriously as Democrats leaned on America’s first Black president to energize Black voters in battlegrou­nd Michigan on the final weekend of the 2020 campaign.

Obama, the 44th president, and Biden, his vice president who wants to be the 46th, held drive-in rallies in Flint and Detroit, predominan­tly Black cities where strong turnout will be essential to swing the longtime Democratic state to Biden’s column after Trump won it in 2016.

“Three days until the most important election of our lifetime — and that includes mine, which was pretty important,” said Obama, urging Democrats to get to the polls.

The memories of Trump’s win in Michigan and the rest of the Upper Midwest are still searing in the minds of many Democrats during this closing stretch before Tuesday’s election. That leaves Biden in the position of holding a consistent lead in the national polls and an advantage in most battlegrou­nds, including Michigan, yet still facing anxiety it could all slip away.

As of Saturday, nearly 92 million voters had already cast ballots nationwide, according to a tally by The Associated Press. Tens of millions more will vote by the time polls close on Tuesday night.

The former president hammered on Trump’s continued focus on the size of his campaign crowds.

“Did no one come to his birthday party when he was a kid? Was he traumatize­d?” Obama said in a mocking tone. “The country’s going through a pandemic. That’s not what you’re supposed to be worrying about.”

Throughout the day, Trump and Biden, both septuagena­rians, threw stinging barbs at one another.

Speaking in Flint, Biden joked of Trump, “When you were in high school, wouldn’t you have liked to take a shot?” He also mocked the president as a “macho man.“

Trump, too, on Saturday suggested he could beat up Biden if given the chance and suggested the former vice president wears sunglasses to cover up “surgery on the eyes.”

“He’s not a big guy,” Trump said of Biden. “A slight slap, you wouldn’t have to close your fist.”

Later in Detroit, Biden ridiculed Trump for calling himself a “perfect specimen,” called him Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “puppy,” and joked about a New York Times report that showed Trump had spent $70,000 on hair care.

As Biden campaigned in Michigan, Trump made an aggressive play for pivotal Pennsylvan­ia, focusing largely on his White, working-class base.

At an evening rally in Butler, Pa., Trump announced that he had issued a memorandum that calls on government agencies to determine fracking’s impact on the economy and trade and the costs of banning the oil and gas extraction through fracking.

The president has repeatedly charged that Biden will end fracking — a big industry in Pennsylvan­ia and other states — even as the former vice president has said that he does not support a ban on fracking.

“In other words, if one of these maniacs come along and they say we’re gonna end fracking, we’re gonna destroy the Commonweal­th of Pennsylvan­ia,” Trump said in announcing his memorandum. “You can say, sorry about that.”

Earlier in the day in a small town in Bucks County on the eastern edge of the state, Trump again raised concerns — without presenting evidence — about election fraud, pointing specifical­ly at Philadelph­ia, a city whose large African American population is key to Biden’s fate in the state.

“They say you have to be very, very careful — what happens in Philadelph­ia,” Trump charged. “Everybody has to watch.”

Republican­s are betting that Trump can win a second term by driving up turnout among his strongest supporters — White, noncollege-educated men and rural voters — while limiting Biden’s advantage with Blacks and Latinos. Democrats in several swing states worry that voters of color may not be excited enough about Biden to show up in the numbers they need.

In Michigan, Rep. Dan Kildee, a Democrat who represents the Flint area, said he had been pressing for a couple of months for Biden or Obama to visit the majority Black city where a water crisis that began in 2014 sickened the city’s residents, exposing stark racial inequities.

“Showing up matters,” Kildee said. “The message is important, no question about it. But there’s a message implicit in showing up, especially in Flint.”

Biden’s campaign announced it was sending Obama to Florida and Georgia on Monday. He is the campaign’s most valuable asset to help energize the non-white voters Democrats so badly need to defeat Trump. “Joe Biden is my brother. I love Joe Biden, and he will be a great president,“Obama said Saturday.

The press for Michigan’s Black voters comes after voting was down roughly 15 percent in Flint and Detroit four years ago — a combined 48,000-plus votes in a state Trump carried by about 10,700 votes.

Anticipati­ng a drawnout legal battle over election results, the Trump campaign recently began automatica­lly checking a box to withdraw additional weekly contributi­ons from online donors through mid-december — nearly six weeks after Election Day.

Predicting “FRAUD like you’ve never seen,” the language on Trump’s website opts contributo­rs into making the weekly post-election donations “to ensure we have the resources to protect the results and keep fighting even after Election Day.” Users must proactivel­y click to avoid making multiple contributi­ons.

The unusual post-election revenue stream would help Trump pay off any bills that his campaign accumulate­s before Tuesday — a campaign spokespers­on said no such debts had been incurred — and could help fund a lengthy legal fight if the results are contested.

Democrats said automatica­lly opting contributo­rs into post-election giving was a misleading tactic.

“When the recount or litigation process ends,” Murtaugh added, “the recurring payments will end."

The extra donations are the latest tactic employed by the Trump operation as it struggles to keep up financiall­y with Joe Biden’s campaign. On Friday, the campaign promised supporters that their contributi­ons would be matched “1000%,” after months of ratcheting up the levels of matches that campaign experts said almost surely do not actually exist.

 ?? CHRIS SZAGOLA AP ?? President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally Saturday in Newtown, Pa.
CHRIS SZAGOLA AP President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally Saturday in Newtown, Pa.
 ?? ANDREW HARNIK AP ?? Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a rally Saturday in Flint, Mich.
ANDREW HARNIK AP Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a rally Saturday in Flint, Mich.

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