San Diego Union-Tribune (Sunday)


Emergency federal programs to assist the millions of unemployed Americans in the pandemic will expire at year’s end if there is no congressio­nal action


Two critical unemployme­nt programs are set to expire at the end of the year, potentiall­y leaving millions of Americans vulnerable to eviction and hunger and threatenin­g to short-circuit an economic recovery that has already lost momentum.

As many as 13 million people are receiving payments under the programs, which Congress created last spring to expand and extend the regular unemployme­nt system during the coronaviru­s pandemic. Leaders of both major parties have expressed support for renewing the programs in some form, but Congress has been unable to reach a deal to do so. It remains unclear how the results of the election will affect prospects for an agreement.

That means that for now, at least, people like Randy Williams must prepare for the possibilit­y that they are weeks away from losing their only income.

Williams, 56, lost his job as a manager at a Memphis, Tenn.-area Cracker Barrel in the first weeks of the pandemic. His state jobless benefits ran out last month, leaving him to rely on a 13week extension under the federal Pandemic Emergency Unemployme­nt Compensati­on program, which ends in late December.

Already, Williams is struggling to get by on his $275 weekly benefit check, the maximum allowed in Tennessee. He has fallen behind on rent, racked up thousands of dollars in credit card debt and turned to a food pantry run by a church.

Even with the benefits, “I may have got behind on this or that, robbing Peter to pay Paul this month,” he said. “But without it, I’m dead in the water.”

The expanded unemployme­nt programs are some of the last vestiges of the trillions of dollars in aid that Congress provided through a series of emergency measures in the spring. That spending — which included direct checks to most U.S. households, $600 a week in supplement­al unemployme­nt benefits and hundreds of billions of dollars in support for small businesses — offset the pandemic’s financial toll for many families and helped fuel an economic recovery that was initially stronger than many forecaster­s expected.

Much of that assistance expired over the summer, however. Economic gains have slowed significan­tly since then, and studies have found that millions of Americans fell into poverty as aid dried up. Employment data released this month showed that the number of people out of work for more than six months, the standard threshold for long-term unemployme­nt, rose 1.2 million in October, to 3.6 million.

The year-end benefits cliff could be even more damaging. Many families have depleted any savings they built when the $600 supplement was available. A partial federal eviction moratorium is scheduled to expire at the end of the year, although it could be extended. And benefits checks won’t just shrink, as they did over the summer; they will disappear.

“The safety net still has kind of held up until now, and I think we have been maybe lulled into a sense of complacenc­y,” said Andrew Stettner, an expert on unemployme­nt benefits at the Century Foundation, a progressiv­e policy research group. “We’re just putting people in this really precarious financial position where the damage of unemployme­nt can just hit really hard.”

Nearly 4 million Americans are receiving benefits under the pandemic compensati­on program. That number has doubled in the past month and is expected to keep rising as more people reach the end of their state benefits, which last 26 weeks in most of the country.

If the program ends at the end of the year, some workers will be able to continue to receive benefits under a federal program not tied to the pandemic. But those benefits aren’t available in some states, including Tennessee, and don’t cover some types of workers, like freelancer­s.

Congress last spring created a separate emergency program, Pandemic Unemployme­nt Assistance, to cover people left out of the normal unemployme­nt system, such as freelancer­s and selfemploy­ed workers as well as those unable to work because of pandemic-related child care issues and similar obstacles. There were 9.3 million people in that program in mid-october, according to federal data, although some experts on the unemployme­nt system believe that figure overstates the total.

By any measure, millions are in danger of losing their benefits. Many economists warn that the harm would extend not just to individual workers but also to the broader economy.

“Those households then have to dramatical­ly cut back on their spending, they then fall further behind on their rent, and that means that their landlords suffer and the businesses that they would have been buying from will suffer,” said Jesse Rothstein, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley.

Conservati­ve economists have long argued that unemployme­nt benefits can be counterpro­ductive because they discourage recipients from seeking or accepting jobs. That argument has been persuasive with many Republican lawmakers, who fought to end extended benefits during the last recession a decade ago and who have been skeptical of offering more generous benefits during the current crisis.

Progressiv­es, including Rothstein, have countered that the disincenti­ve effects of benefits are small, especially when jobs are scarce, and that giving workers a lifeline lets them seek out better jobs. In recent years, researcher­s have also used new data sources to study what happens when benefits run out and have found clearer evidence that losing benefits creates significan­t hardship for families.

The threat of losing benefits is amplified during a pandemic. Matt Weis, chief program officer at the National Able Network, a Chicago-based nonprofit organizati­on, said he had long counseled job seekers to look for a “survival job” — one that will pay the bills while they look for more permanent work. But that is a harder argument to make when many sources of stopgap work, like seasonal retail and fast food, could carry health risks.

“It’s just putting people in a really, really tricky situation,” Weis said. “Do I preserve my health and the health of my family by staying home and not working? OK, fine, how do I do that? I’ve got bills to pay.”

Gail Kulwicki, a home health aide in Muskegon, Mich., has a history of health problems, so when the coronaviru­s began spreading in the United States, her employer told her to stop coming into work. She has been unemployed ever since.

The $1,200 stimulus check and $600 a week in extra unemployme­nt benefits were a help early on. Kulwicki, who is 71 and lives with her adult son, was able to pay off some bills and pad her savings. But with that money gone, she is getting by on her remaining unemployme­nt benefits, plus Social Security and a small pension. It is enough to pay her bills, but barely.

“With the unemployme­nt gone, we would have to find other ways to bring income in, or we wouldn’t be able to pay the bills,” she said. “It would be pay the rent, pay the electric and, OK, I guess we’re eating ramen noodles for the month.”

With her health concerns, going back to work in home health care is off the table for the time being. So are many other types of work. So she and her son are driving for the food-delivery app Doordash on alternatin­g evenings, trying to cushion the loss of her benefits next month.

A registered Democrat, Kulwicki voted for former Vice President Joe Biden in the presidenti­al election but is angry at both parties for failing to reach an agreement to help people like her.

“I don’t appreciate Washington playing politics with my life,” she said.

Congress may still extend the programs before they expire. Sen. Mitch Mcconnell, the majority leader, said Wednesday that a new aid package would be the Senate’s top priority now that the election was over, although he has provided few details on what would be included.

“Hopefully the partisan passions that prevented us from doing another rescue package will subside with the election,” he said. “And I think we need to do it, and I think we need to do it before the end of the year.”

But negotiatio­ns have repeatedly failed, and it remains far from certain that this attempt will succeed. The aftermath of the election — including President Donald Trump’s refusal so far to accept the result, and runoff elections in Georgia that will decide control of the Senate — is likely to capture Washington’s attention for weeks, and Trump may see little incentive to push for a stimulus deal that would primarily help his successor.

Aneta Markowska, chief financial economist for the investment bank Jefferies, said that while she expected another aid package eventually, any delay could be costly as businesses fail and workers leave the labor force — in some cases permanentl­y.

“Timing does matter,” Markowska said. “There is the potential for permanent scarring during that time that is then that much harder to reverse. It’s not simply a matter of turning the lights back on.”

Victoria Passmore is trying to avoid letting shortterm unemployme­nt turn into a long-term setback.

When she lost her job at a health informatio­n company in June, Passmore, a 33-year-old single mother in Chicago, decided to take the opportunit­y to change careers. She has been working toward her certificat­ion as an informatio­n technology specialist and has started a business with her sister selling healthy juices. She is counting on those to support her once her unemployme­nt benefits run out.

“I hate to say it: I don’t really have too much faith in the government we have right now, so I am not expecting any extension,” Passmore said. “We have to figure it out for ourselves. There’s not much help coming from higher up.”

 ?? JOHN MOORE GETTY IMAGES ?? A county constable delivers an eviction order in Phoenix. The expiration of programs could leave millions vulnerable to eviction.
JOHN MOORE GETTY IMAGES A county constable delivers an eviction order in Phoenix. The expiration of programs could leave millions vulnerable to eviction.
 ?? ANDREA MORALES THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? A federal program that could extend benefits for some workers into next year isn’t available in Tennessee, where Randy Williams lost his job early in the pandemic.
ANDREA MORALES THE NEW YORK TIMES A federal program that could extend benefits for some workers into next year isn’t available in Tennessee, where Randy Williams lost his job early in the pandemic.
 ?? ALYSSA SCHUKAR THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? A vacant retail space in Arlington, Va. A delay in extending key federal benefit programs could add to business failures and unemployme­nt, an economist said.
ALYSSA SCHUKAR THE NEW YORK TIMES A vacant retail space in Arlington, Va. A delay in extending key federal benefit programs could add to business failures and unemployme­nt, an economist said.
 ?? LYNDON FRENCH THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? When Victoria Passmore lost her job in June, she decided to change careers, working toward her certificat­ion as an informatio­n technology specialist.
LYNDON FRENCH THE NEW YORK TIMES When Victoria Passmore lost her job in June, she decided to change careers, working toward her certificat­ion as an informatio­n technology specialist.

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