San Diego Union-Tribune (Sunday)

Becerra is equipped to address Biden’s goals


Re “Why Xavier Becerra is a very dubious choice to run HHS” (Dec. 9): California Attorney General Becerra is not a bad choice for secretary of Health and Human Services in the Biden administra­tion. When compared to the appointmen­ts that Donald Trump made in health care, Becerra could be nominated for the Nobel Prize in medicine. Becerra currently rides herd on the Affordable Care Act in California. The ACA is a legal document and, so far, the legalities of the basic document have been sustained.

He would support the rebuilding of the ACA and be supportive of health care specialist­s of all types to manage the pandemic. Anybody getting a nod from Biden will get trashed in the Senate. I wouldn’t let my worst enemy be grilled in the Senate in February. Mitch Mcconnell and company are looking for headlines, not qualificat­ions. John H. Borja San Diego

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