San Diego Union-Tribune (Sunday)



Through the Young Marines program, Naval Junior ROTC and my “Valuing our Veterans” program in which I donate flagpoles to veterans, I have had the honor of meeting and working with many current and past service members. I have a family history of service members dating back to the American Revolution­ary

is a sergeant major in the Miramar Young Marines and a guest speaker in the Memorial Day 2021 online video program sponsored by the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation. This was her speech. The program can be viewed at miramarcem­

War. Both my grandfathe­rs served, one in Vietnam as an Army helicopter pilot and the other in the Air Force. My great uncle served in Vietnam in the Marine Corps. Both my parents served full careers as police officers. I understand what it means to dedicate yourself to protecting others while putting oneself in harm’s way. It is to be admired and respected.

I know the feeling of loss. In a very short time, two close friends of mine, Command Master Chief Tom Lingley, a retired Navy veteran who served in Vietnam and Desert Storm, and Sgt. Matthew Lowenthal, an active-duty Marine, both passed away.

Lingley was my neighbor, and the first per

Memorial Day is a time to remember the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation; it is also a time that all Americans should reflect on the freedoms afforded us by this great nation, and how those freedoms have been preserved for us.

son I donated a flagpole to. He was proud of the flag we presented him, and flew it every day. Over the years, Lingley often spoke to me about service and sacrifice. He eagerly awaited our conversati­ons and always wanted me to update him on my Young Marines and Naval Junior ROTC careers. He became very ill and telephoned me just before his passing. Lingley told me he was proud of me and to keep up the good work; words I feel I must honor.

I met Sgt. Lowenthal when he joined my Young Marine unit on MCAS Miramar as a volunteer. As our unit training officer, he and I worked side by side for several years and we became close. We had a great deal in common as he was a former Young Marine and Junior ROTC cadet.

We often shared stories of our common experience­s and had many good laughs. Sgt. Lowenthal passed away from injuries sustained in an accident. He was a proud Marine and a true friend. I am so very grateful for having known them both. I value their memories.

Memorial Day is a time to remember the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation; it is also a time that all Americans should reflect on the freedoms afforded us by this great nation, and how those freedoms have been preserved for us. It is a time to contemplat­e the bravery and unselfishn­ess of the veterans who gave up all of their tomorrows so that we could enjoy our lifetime of tomorrows, benefiting from the freedoms we enjoy; the very freedoms secured by their sacrifice.

With others paying such a high individual price to secure the freedoms we all enjoy, Memorial Day is a time to consider how you will use your freedom; the freedom that was purchased for you with American lives from 1775 to this very day. Your freedom is a unique gift not afforded to everyone in our world. Use your freedom wisely.

Remember the high cost of your freedoms when you exercise your rights. Use your freedom of speech for the betterment of all, not to hurt others. Use your freedom of religion to be inclusive and to help others in their time of need, not to distance them.

Use your freedom of assembly to come together peacefully as one mighty nation in support of all, not by using violence or hatred against your fellow Americans. Use your freedom of the press to morally, ethically and without bias report the issues at hand, not to push a political agenda, spreading disinforma­tion and causing distrust. Your treasured freedoms come with great responsibi­lities.

Memorial Day is a time to remember the honor and pride held by so many who gave their lives for our freedom. It is also a time to remind you to live your life with that same honor, having dignity and compassion for others. It is a time to think about what you in turn owe to future generation­s of Americans and to the great nation in which you live. Honor those who gave up their tomorrows by using your freedom to make America a better place.

Walk a mile in their combat boots. Serve, volunteer, and give back to your community to honor their sacrifice. We owe our respect to those brave veterans of all our armed forces who came before, and made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may live free. Semper Fi, Oorah.

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