San Diego Union-Tribune (Sunday)



San Diego Institute for Economic Research

University of San Diego

London Moeder Advisors


With features deemed necessary to the park’s success having already been eliminated, projection­s for the costs are significan­tly increased before even commencing. The undergroun­d 182-unit garage, accounting for a large portion of the projected total cost, seems exorbitant at $192K per parking space. Will it become an obsessivel­y expensive park used for homeless encampment­s as well? The final price or reasonable calculatio­n of the price to be completed (and likely to be increased) is already excessive.


There is definitely a need for a park in that area. The population of downtown is growing and the park would serve as an open space and a place for the community to gather. The problem is that the cost has been blown out of proportion by the inclusion of the undergroun­d parking garage. Most people using the park would probably just walk to get there, and the inclusion of the garage works against city policy of reducing dependence on cars.


But I need to stress that if it is going to become another homeless haven, no thanks. Guarantee a sufficient operationa­l budget for security. I also suggest that the city lose the parking structure. It’s a neighborho­od park. No more structures needed. With those modificati­ons, get this park built! If downtown is going to truly accommodat­e some families (not to mention the dogs), particular­ly in East Village, the park is critical.



Weave Growth


But not the undergroun­d parking. It is meant to be a neighborho­od park that users can walk to or take mass transit. It is not a venue for large gatherings so no need for additional parking. As we saw with Children’s Park, which is being completely redesigned at great expense, parks in downtown need to be activated day and night to avoid becoming homeless camps and spiraling into the same disrepair as Horton Plaza. Put back the cafes and retail … use the full amount of money to build out the full park in a way that San Diegans will be proud of it and use it.


A children’s play area, a performanc­e pavilion, dog park and a two-story recreation center would be an incredible amenity for East Village residents. However, paying nearly $80 million for four acres of land is atrocious. To reduce costs, the parking garage should be eliminated, and the cafes restored to make it a true gathering place for residents. Our city faces many issues including homelessne­ss, infrastruc­ture and housing affordabil­ity. These issues should be addressed first before investing

$80 million into any new amenities like this one.


Everyone wants more parks, but $80 million poured largely into an undergroun­d parking structure in an area currently suffering from homelessne­ss misses the mark. The city does not even own large parts of the blocks that they propose to build around. If the park is truly for the neighborho­od, why does it need a $40 million parking structure? Deploy the budget to ameliorate the underlying issues; provide housing, job training, mental health services, etc.

 ?? ?? Jamie Moraga
Jamie Moraga
 ?? ?? Alan Gin
Alan Gin
 ?? ?? Austin Neudecker
Austin Neudecker

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