San Diego Union-Tribune

CSU could take lesson from private business

- Tom Burke University City Jean Dekker Coronado Richard A. Brown La Jolla Edward Monroe Temecula Ruth J. Jameson Oceanside Stan Rodkin Rancho Peñasquito­s

Re “CSUSM travel spending audit drags on” (Dec. 26): Reading about California State University “leadership” spending lavishly is infuriatin­g.

The company I work for has a policy of 200 words and is easy to understand.

First, decide that all travel is limited only to “Mission Critical” requiremen­ts. Second, no internatio­nal travel. Third, you serve on a board? You or the company pays. Fourth, limit food costs, hotels, car rentals, airfare (all travel is coach). Use only approved airlines, hotels, car rental companies, etc. Fifth, any business-related travel must be pre-approved by the manager of the individual traveling and approved following completion of travel. Each expense is subject to audit for appropriat­eness.

These “academics” make this complicate­d so they can continue to fleece the public and feed at the public trough. They’re not private executives. They shouldn’t act like they are.

The powers that be should be prudent shepherds of fiscal responsibi­lity and they have repeatedly demonstrat­ed that they are not.

Drivers need to give San Diego a brake

Re “Sacrifice some privacy to save some lives” (Dec. 25): I so agree with the letter regarding cameras at signal lights. It is unbelievab­le how many drivers go through red lights when they haven’t even reached the intersecti­on when the light turns red.

And the stop signs don’t say stop anymore. Drivers are reading “pause.” Maybe we need cameras there, too.

Hard to believe drones won’t be surveillin­g

Re “Military-grade drone will be tested over San Diego in ‘20” (Dec. 26): The article states that this technology will not be used for surveillan­ce purposes.

Best laugh I’ve had in months. elected, the Republican­s would move to impeach him on the first day. I don’t know what will happen in the 2020 election. I do know, however, that anybody in this country with a modicum of common sense will remember the Democrats as revengeful, hateful, petty, small thinkers.

Nation’s future depends on impeachmen­t case

The trial of the 21st century has been nullified in advance by Sen. Mitch Mcconnell. He has repeatedly said that he will act in concert with the White House.

Remember when O.J. Simpson was acquitted and how it was received by the American public at the time? O.J. is still a pariah in the minds of the American people. Many think he killed two people. Donald J. Trump is trying to kill our Constituti­on. This trial is between a bully, a senator

who has admitted his position of jury nullificat­ion as foreman of the jury and our Constituti­on. It has nothing to do with Democrats and Republican­s as people, it has everything to do with our country being a constituti­onal republic.

issue and stop saying it’s a hoax. It’s not a crisis either, but it is a serious issue. Climate scientists are mixed as to what fraction is manmade and what is natural, but it is real and must be dealt with in a sane and measured manner. President Trump should get from his advisers a measurable term for air quality over the U.S., make a strong statement in this regard and also call on the worst polluters such as China and India to clean up their air quality. The passes given them by the Paris accord have now expired.

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