San Diego Union-Tribune

Trump is underminin­g the U.S. justice system

- Gene Roberts La Mesa

Re “Trump picks pardon requests from wealthy pals and GOP donors” (Feb. 19): Trump’s recent pardons are helping further normalize corruption in the present Republican administra­tion. People he pardoned were convicted of and sentenced for corruption, obstructio­n of justice, perjury, tax fraud, wire fraud and bribery, which coincident­ally are some of the same charges against Trump.

A founding father, George Mason, argued a president “ought not to have the power of pardoning, because he may frequently pardon crimes which were advised by himself. It may happen, at some future day, that he will establish a monarchy.” Trump remarked about Xi Jinping being able to hold the position of China’s president for life as a step that Trump hopes America will someday follow. Trump says he wants “my people” to “sit up at attention” like they do for Kim Jong Un. For Trump, that day is now. Anthony Kopec Escondido

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse after the Senate disallowed witnesses and acquitted Trump, now he is starting to retaliate against witnesses who told the truth at the trial about what actually happened.

The Republican­s put on the most disgusting display of partisan politics I’ve witnessed in my 76 years and now Trump continues his tantrums and lashing out against anyone does not agree with him. Today I am embarrasse­d to be an American.

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