San Diego Union-Tribune


- BY TOM LEMMON Lemmon is business manager of the San Diego County Building and Constructi­on Trades Council. He lives in San Diego.

San Diego needs every dollar we can get to restore our economy and help San Diegans back to work.

But new state laws put San Diego at risk of losing millions of dollars in state infrastruc­ture funds unless we fix outdated city contractin­g rules on constructi­on.

Correcting that problem is what the “Safeguard San Diego” measure we’ve proposed for November’s ballot is all about — ensuring we don’t leave a single dollar on the table as we work to recover and rebuild from the economic crisis we’re all facing.

It’s a simple fix with a big impact. The measure updates city contractin­g policies to simply allow for considerat­ion of project labor agreements on constructi­on — a basic requiremen­t for San Diego to keep receiving our fair share of state funding to fix roads, protect water quality, upgrade neighborho­od parks and more.

The impact of that small change for San Diego taxpayers? Massive. San Diego received $64 million in state funding for neighborho­od improvemen­ts last year alone. And if state funds for the Pure Water recycling project are lost, local taxpayers will be on the hook for at least $140 million.

That’s money and jobs San Diego needs now more than ever. And allowing the city to consider project labor agreements on constructi­on makes a whole lot of sense in this moment, too.

These agreements help put local workers first by prioritizi­ng hiring for San Diego residents over out-ofstate workers and providing apprentice­ships that lead to good-paying careers.

Add in the measure’s strict taxpayer protection­s to prohibit employment discrimina­tion, ensure open competitio­n and expand fiscal oversight on city constructi­on, and this measure is a win-win for San Diego taxpayers and workers.

That’s why a broad citywide coalition has formed to join us in backing “Safeguard San Diego,” including the Middle Class Taxpayers Associatio­n, the Democratic Party and neighborho­od groups in Southeast San Diego who advocate for the underserve­d communitie­s who can least afford losing access to vital state funds right now.

And San Diego isn’t the only city considerin­g this common-sense change to protect its eligibilit­y for state funding. Chula Vista voters approved a similar measure in March with more than 67% of the vote. Chula Vista’s mayor called it a “no-brainer.” It is.

So who would oppose such a measure? The big corporate special interests who got us in this mess in the first place.

Nearly a decade ago, big constructi­on contractor­s and Downtown developers passed a measure to outright ban project labor agreements. As usual, it was all about their bottom lines — paying employees less, shipping in out-of-state workers, avoiding more taxpayer oversight.

Now, even though recent state laws prohibit these bans and our city stands to lose millions as a result, those same special interests remain hell-bent on putting their profits over the public interest.

They’ll spend millions to trick you into thinking that it’s bad for San Diegans if our elected representa­tives are given the option to negotiate the best deal, no matter who it’s with, for San Diego workers and taxpayers. Don’t believe their lies.

The truth is the “Safeguard San Diego” measure doesn’t require a single labor agreement on constructi­on — it simply ends the ban on them so San Diego can continue to qualify for the state infrastruc­ture dollars our neighborho­ods need.

But don’t just take my word for it. Listen to a former president of the San Diego County Taxpayers Associatio­n, Lani Lutar, who signed the ballot statement for the ban on project labor agreements in 2012, but now supports its repeal: “I supported Measure A in 2012, but new state laws make it necessary for San Diego to update city contractin­g rules or risk losing millions. It would be irresponsi­ble to endanger San Diego’s economic recovery by putting even one penny of infrastruc­ture funding in jeopardy.”

Enough said.

This Tuesday, the City Council will vote on whether to put the “Safeguard San Diego” measure on the ballot. We urge the council’s support and ask for the public’s come November.

Let’s safeguard state funding for San Diego so we can rebuild our infrastruc­ture, restore our economy and get San Diegans back to work.

Special interests remain hell-bent on putting profits over public interest.


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