San Diego Union-Tribune



Argentina on Wednesday became the largest nation in Latin America to legalize abortion, a landmark vote in a conservati­ve region and a victory for a grassroots movement that turned years of rallies into political power.

The high-stakes vote, during 12 hours of often dramatic debate in the Senate, gripped the nation and exposed the tensions between a conservati­ve society long inf luenced by the Roman Catholic Church, and a more secular generation that is fired up by a growing feminist movement.

“When I was born, women did not vote, we did not inherit, we could not manage our assets, we could not have bank accounts, we didn’t have credit cards, we couldn’t go to university,” Sen. Silvia Sapag said in an emotional speech after the vote. “When I was born, women were nobody.”

Now, she added, for all the women who fought for those legal rights and more, “let it be law.”

The effects of the legalizati­on vote — by a wider-thanexpect­ed margin of 38-29, with one abstension — are likely to ripple across Latin America, galvanizin­g abortion-rights advocates elsewhere in the region. The symbol of that effort in Argentina — green handkerchi­efs — has begun showing up in other countries where women have poured into the streets demanding greater support for their rights.

Argentine groups that had worked against the abortion legislatio­n, with the active support of Pope Francis, vowed not to give up.

“This doesn’t end here,” said Ana Belén Marmora, an activist in the anti-abortion group Youth Front. “We will not allow our voices to be ignored like this.”

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