San Diego Union-Tribune



The Israeli military on Sunday said it has reprimande­d an officer who was found to have used excessive force against protesters in the occupied West Bank, including pushing a 65-yearold Israeli peace activist to the ground.

The army said the officer, a major, had deviated from “the profession­al norms and standards” expected of him. It said he could not be promoted or attend a commanders course for the next three years.

The officer was punished in connection with a pair of incidents, the army said. Among them was a Sept. 17 demonstrat­ion in the southern West Bank in which an Israeli activist was shoved to the ground and suffered a serious injury to his eye socket. The activists had come to deliver water to Palestinia­n villages in the parched area.

In the second incident, it said the officer had improperly pushed a Palestinia­n while forces were confrontin­g stone throwers.

Combatants for Peace, the advocacy group that sponsored the project to help the village, said the punishment was light and accused the army of encouragin­g further abuse by failing to take tougher action.

“The army’s decision to postpone the promotion of a violent officer who was caught week after week abusing Palestinia­ns and hitting human rights activists is a farce and is tacit approval for the violence,” it said. It also criticized Defense Minister Benny Gantz, a former military chief, for remaining silent.

In recent weeks, there have been a string of incidents in which Israeli settlers attacked Palestinia­ns and soldiers either failed to stop them or appear to have used excessive force against Palestinia­ns and Israeli activists.

In one case, the Haaretz daily said that soldiers detained two Palestinia­n boys, ages 13 and 15, after spotting them in a West Bank field trying to set a bottle on fire with aluminum and cleaning fluid in a game they called “Flash.” The report said the boys were held for 29 hours, bound, beaten and not given food.

It published a photo of the younger boy with bruises on his face. The boy, Mustafa Amir, said he was beaten as he was taken away.

The army denied the accusation­s, saying the boy had tripped and hit his face as he tried to run away after detonating an explosive device. It said the boy was given medical care and that both of them were given food and water in custody.

In another incident last week, Haaretz said that a Palestinia­n villager was beaten and detained when residents in the northern West Bank tried to pick olives from their land.

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