San Diego Union-Tribune



Elbridge Gerry signed the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce and served as Constituti­onal Convention delegate, U.S. vice president and governor of Massachuse­tts. He is not, however, known for any of that. Instead, he is known for rigging elections.

While serving as governor in 1811, Gerry — a member of Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican Party — opposed a legislativ­e candidate from the competing Federalist Party. In doing so, Gerry approved a controvers­ial redistrict­ing plan that changed the legislativ­e district boundary in a way that gave his party’s candidate a substantia­l advantage. Since the new district looked like a salamander, political cartoons called the practice “gerry…mandering.”

Gerrymande­ring has been used ever since to describe redistrict­ing legislativ­e boundaries to unfairly affect the power of groups and weight of their votes. It has been used to preserve political power, defeat incumbents or challenger­s, benefit partisan forces, split communitie­s and dilute minority votes. In discussing gerrymande­ring, a state senator once proclaimed, “We are in the business of rigging elections.”

Smart political operatives like Gerry know voters within communitie­s of interest (geographic, economic, social, etc.) tend to vote similarly, often as voting blocs. If communitie­s of interest remain within a district, they can have a significan­t impact on which legislativ­e candidate is elected and what policies the representa­tive emphasizes.

On the other hand, an otherwise strong voting bloc can be marginaliz­ed by splinterin­g its voters among several districts, thereby diluting its impact.

For over 150 years, minority voters were marginaliz­ed in many regions using practices such as gerrymande­ring.

In 1965, however, the landmark federal Voting Rights Act was adopted with bipartisan support. It prohibits election-related practices that are shown to have a racially discrimina­tory result by, among other things, diluting the voting power of minority communitie­s through gerrymande­ring.

Today, civil rights laws and court decisions have establishe­d legal parameters that help guard against gerrymande­ring. Government­s are to create boundaries that emphasize factors such as compactnes­s of the district, contiguous neighborho­ods, preservati­on of communitie­s of interest and substantia­lly equal population among districts. Although there is discretion in applying these and other permitted factors, discretion has its legal limits, and district boundaries should no longer resemble a salamander.

In addition, many states and local communitie­s have sought to reduce politician­s’ influence by forming commission­s to lead redistrict­ing through public hearings. These commission­s are typically selected and operate in ways that insulate them from politician­s. Both the city and county of San Diego have impaneled redistrict­ing commission­s to adjust legislativ­e district boundaries for the 2022 elections.

They have user-friendly websites that make it easy to understand the process and participat­e.

Visit sandiegoco­­ing for informatio­n on the county’s 14-member Independen­t Redistrict­ing Commission.

Visit­ingcommiss­ion for informatio­n on the city’s nine-member Redistrict­ing Commission.

Both websites explain the processes by which commission­ers were selected and their background­s. They show the calendars and outline easy steps for addressing the commission­s. The meetings are conducted by video, which can be viewed at home. Speakers address the commission by video.

The websites give background as to what occurred at previous meetings and agendas for future meetings, as well as factors commission­ers are asked to consider. Proposed draft district maps may soon be posted as the processes are nearing their completion in December.

The best way to help ensure a fair redistrict­ing process is to participat­e in these commission­s.

Our local City Council members and county supervisor­s are important to our daily lives, particular­ly on issues such as land use, traffic, housing, environmen­t and other matters of local concern.

All communitie­s should participat­e to help ensure they will have a meaningful say in selecting their local representa­tives.

Historical­ly marginaliz­ed communitie­s should be particular­ly attuned to the redistrict­ing process.

Here are some participat­ion ideas. First, determine whether there is already a local group advocating for your community of interest. If so, they can supply helpful informatio­n. Second, visit one or both of the above websites and read about the history, status, issues, next meeting and process for speaking. Third, watch the meeting(s) on video and communicat­e your views in writing or during the meeting by video.

Your written or oral comments can be something as simple as: “I ask that [community of interest] be kept intact as a voting bloc [although unnecessar­y, perhaps add the district number]. Here’s why: [add a sentence or two].”

Redistrict­ing is nearly as important as voting. If voting selects a representa­tive, redistrict­ing selects the constituen­cy. Although the process has improved considerab­ly since Gov. Gerry’s era, democracy still requires effort. Speak out to ensure your vote will count.

Goldsmith is a former law partner, adjunct law professor, superior court judge, San Diego city attorney, California state legislator and mayor of Poway. He lives in San Diego.

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