San Diego Union-Tribune


Plan to build belvedere, add barriers, benches advances to next step


An attempt to slow the progress of a belvedere project at La Jolla’s Windansea Beach failed last week when the San Diego City Council denied an appeal of the city’s environmen­tal findings.

The appeal, filed by the Preserve Windansea Beach Associatio­n, questioned city staff ’s determinat­ion that the project is exempt from California Environmen­tal Quality Act review and that it would have no environmen­tal impact.

The project calls for coastal developmen­t and site developmen­t permits for a public-private project along the west side of Neptune Place between Westbourne Street and Palomar Avenue. Work would include constructi­on of a belvedere (a shade structure also known as a gazebo) on Neptune near Rosemont Street, along with continuati­on of post-and-chain barriers and new benches and trash receptacle­s. The whole project is to be funded by Friends of Windansea.

Members of the Preserve Windansea Beach Associatio­n, formed earlier this year by opponents of the belvedere, have said they support repair elements of the project but are against constructi­on of the gazebo, citing concerns about erosion and visual impacts.

San Diego Associate Environmen­tal Planner Courtney Holowach said Tuesday in a presentati­on to the City Council that staff determined the appellants did not provide new evidence or sufficient informatio­n that conflicts with staff findings and that the project complies with applicable land-use guidelines.

Andrea Rosati, representi­ng PWBA, countered that the project “may impact two environmen­tal resources of critical concern: the sensitive coastal bluff and multihabit­at land area.” She said additional studies should have been conducted and more documentat­ion provided.

PWBA founder Kate Woods said “the San Diego municipal code is here to protect our shoreline parks for everyone, for equity for all, for parks for all, not a few private citizens that want to build on a bluff.”

Woods said the constructi­on would contribute to erosion and block views of the “iconic beach.”

But Jim Neri, a Friends of Windansea member and landscape architect, said, “This project is, first and foremost, a slope protection project” with its repair elements.

The constructi­on has also been described as replacemen­t of

a belvedere that is believed to have been torn down in an act of vandalism in 1982. The new belvedere, similar to others that line the La Jolla coast, would be about 9 feet tall, 10 feet long and 6 feet wide and built with historical­ly accurate wood that can withstand oceanside air.

Councilmem­ber Joe LaCava, whose District 1 includes La Jolla, noted that the issue before the council was the environmen­tal determinat­ion and not the project itself.

“I have reviewed the material submitted by the appellant, by the staff, the applicant and I’ve listened to today’s testimony. I find no new informatio­n has been presented and I find the staff response to the issues raised by the appeal to be complete,” LaCava said.

His motion that the council deny the appeal and approve the environmen­tal determinat­ion passed unanimousl­y.

After the meeting, Neri told the La Jolla Light, a publicatio­n of the U-T Community Press, that he was “very pleased” with the council decision.

“We think this is going to be so good for the community,” he said. “Once this all settles, people will think this is great, because people do enjoy the (belvederes) that are remaining along the coast. We did our homework and have the blessing of the community and now the city sees this as a viable project. I’m optimistic we will see this project through.”

The project has been supported by many of La Jolla’s community planning groups since it began circulatin­g at their meetings in 2018.

The concept was approved by the La Jolla Developmen­t Permit Review Committee in 2018 and La Jolla Parks & Beaches in 2020, with more detailed plans approved by the DPR in February.

The La Jolla Community Planning Associatio­n approved the proposal in April.

Neri said the project itself will need to go before the city Planning Commission and the City Council.

PWBA will be waiting. The group said in a statement that though it was disappoint­ed with the council’s decision on the environmen­tal appeal, “we understand this is a process and we look forward to the permit hearings in 2022.”

The associatio­n’s “Stop the Gazebo” petition at had collected 675 signatures as of Friday.

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