San Diego Union-Tribune



When we look around, we can see that traditions from our childhoods persist. Yet a troublesom­e and pervasive tradition continues to rear its ugly head, as well: grotesque consumeris­m and debt. Some say that this is a result of our technology-based, fast-moving society. Spending has become a lot easier as buying online and consumptio­n has become obsessive. There are no shelves online, so you don’t feel the impact of the supply chain issue. Empty shelves mean fewer choices, and new priorities in new ways of choosing relevant gifts. Yes, it’s a new way of shopping.

At the risk of sounding cliché, the old saying “money can’t buy happiness” remains true today. We have become so materialis­tic that we have forgotten the real meaning of Christmas! I’m so glad that my parents instilled in me the true meaning of the holiday: “to bring happiness to others, to give of oneself and to help those who are less fortunate than us.” Christmas is not our birthday. We must remember that it’s the birth of Jesus Christ. The true poverty in all this is that Christmas has become secularize­d, and the spending frenzy has allowed us to lose sight of the reason for

I have vivid memories of Christmas when I was a child in Mexico: memories of warmth, family, love and the feeling of a shared experience.

the season.

I have such vivid memories of Christmas when I was a child in Mexico: memories of warmth, family, love and the feeling that everyone around me — and around the world — was sharing this wonderful experience. Our Christmase­s were simple. We celebrated the coming of the Magi, we would put a shoe outside the door, and we received three gifts, a few coins, some candy and always a note about the meaning of the day.

Then Santa Claus came into our lives when we moved to the U.S., and it all changed. You see the bottom of the tree had more room than the shoe. My parents never asked what we wanted under the tree. They knew what was best for us at that time and provided what we needed based on our financial situation — a positive lesson for all of us.

As we move forward, I pray that we all keep the love, peace and joy of Christmas in our hearts and give — not to the point of — only to honor the true spirit of the day. Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año to all!

Virchis is a professor emeritus at Southweste­rn College Department of Theater Arts and producing artistic director of Teatro Máscara Mágica. He lives in Chula Vista.

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