San Diego Union-Tribune


- BY JOAN MORRIS Dear Joan: Morris is a columnist for the Bay Area News Group. This article appeared in The Mercury News and was provided by Tribune News Service.

I witnessed a very bizarre incident recently involving two hummingbir­ds, and I know you will be able to decipher this avian oddity.

The two were furiously circling each other in the front porch area, which is covered by a roof but is otherwise open. At first I thought maybe they were confused and didn’t know how to fly just a bit lower to get outside the porch, or that this was some bizarre courtship ritual.

But then I noticed that one kept jabbing, attacking and lunging at the other. I’m not quite sure what to call the action but it looked fierce!

They went around and around for at least three minutes, then suddenly one hummer took off, and the other jumped right on the hummingbir­d feeder hanging from the porch. My spouse and I decided that one hummer considered

the feeder his or her territory and fought off the would-be trespasser. Did we correctly solve the case?


Dear Leslie:

Congratula­tions. You have earned your “decipherer of hummingbir­d behavior” award. A war over ownership of the nectar

feeder was exactly what you were witnessing.

We often think of hummingbir­ds as sweet, gentle creatures, but when it comes to territory and a prime feeding source, these refined, innocent birds can turn into viscous fighters. They will slam into each other and use their strong slender beaks like a lance or

bayonet. Fights can turn deadly.

Dear Joan:

My mother lives in Livermore and has a satsuma and an orange tree in the backyard. This year, something is eating the ripe citrus on the tree and leaving the empty peel behind.

From a distance the fruit looks whole but when you go to pick it, it’s empty. Any ideas what it is and how to deter it?


Dear Kristina:

Your mother’s citrus trees are being visited by rats. They have this talent, for lack of a better word, of being able to eat the inside of the orange while leaving the peel almost completely intact and still on the tree. They do the opposite with lemons — eating the peel while leaving the pulp dangling.

Your mom should look at controllin­g the rats by removing any other attractant­s, such as pet food left out, water bowls and nesting spots in ivy, wood piles, under decks or in the garage.

Spraying the oranges with — or putting out pots of — hot sauce can also protect the fruit. If lethal methods are chosen, only use snap traps. Poisons and sticky boards kill cruelly and often end up killing other animals, including raptors that help keep the rat population in check.

Dear Joan:

Do lizards hibernate in the winter? I had tons of them in my yard this summer and fall, but I haven’t seen any since it got cold and wet.


Dear Elizabeth:


Lizards are cold blooded and ecothermic, meaning they rely on the environmen­t to control their body temperatur­e. When the weather gets cold, they head to a warm and cozy den and enter a sort of hibernatio­n known as diapause.

Our most common lizard, the Western fence lizard popularly known as the blue belly, is most active from April through October.

 ?? DREAMSTIME / TNS ?? Hummingbir­ds can be aggressive when territory or food sources are at stake.
DREAMSTIME / TNS Hummingbir­ds can be aggressive when territory or food sources are at stake.

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