San Diego Union-Tribune


Party organizati­on didn’t want vendor to help Jan. 6 panel

- BY SARAH D. WIRE Wire writes for the Los Angeles Times.

In a decision that could reverberat­e across other Jan. 6 legal cases, a federal judge has rejected a Republican National Committee lawsuit seeking to block a campaign vendor from providing records to the House committee investigat­ing the 2021 Capitol riot.

The House Select committee is seeking internal data from the email marketing vendor about whether the national party’s fundraisin­g messaging after the 2020 election helped stoke violence at the Capitol, and how successful the messaging emails were for fundraisin­g.

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Tim Kelly — a Trump appointee — ruled that the committee’s subpoena for the informatio­n was reasonable and narrowly tailored in light of the evidence that the party joined former President Donald Trump in spreading claims to supporters that the election was stolen. Kelly said the committee has demonstrat­ed its need for the party’s data on hundreds of fundraisin­g emails sent between Nov. 3, 2020, and Jan. 6, 2021.

In a first, Kelly also swept aside a series of legal arguments about the committee’s creation and makeup that appear in several other lawsuits from Trump allies and former campaign and White House officials trying to block the committee from accessing their private communicat­ions and phone records through third-party companies. Though Kelly stayed his decision until Thursday so the RNC can appeal — delaying the committee from receiving the requested materials — the ruling that the committee’s creation and makeup are valid and that it has a legitimate legislativ­e purpose could be used as precedent in the more than dozen other lawsuits based on similar claims.

The committee in February subpoenaed Salesforce, the third-party vendor the RNC uses to email fundraisin­g requests. The RNC sued the company to keep it from complying. Salesforce told Vice News in the days after the riot that it had “taken action” against the RNC to “prevent its use of our services in any way that could lead to violence,” and the House Select committee also asked for informatio­n used as the basis for that decision.

The RNC will appeal the decision, said RNC chief counsel Matt Raymer.

“While the RNC strongly disagrees with this ruling, our lawsuit compelled Nany Pelosi’s January 6th Committee to dramatical­ly narrow the subpoena’s scope. Nancy Pelosi’s attempted seizure of her political opponents’ campaign strategy cannot be allowed to stand, and we appreciate Judge Kelly continuing to temporaril­y block the subpoena. The RNC will continue to fight for the Constituti­onal rights of Republican­s across the country and will appeal this decision,” Raymer said in a statement.

The RNC and others have tried to argue in court that because the committee does not have 13 members, as specified when it was created, and because House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Bakersfiel­d, did not name committee members, the committee was not properly created. McCarthy withdrew all of his picks for the committee when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, DSan Francisco, rejected two of his five choices because of their close ties to Trump.

Pelosi instead named Republican Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois to the committee. Cheney is vice chair of the committee. Both have been punished by their party for participat­ing.

The authorizin­g language approved by the House to create the committee states that Pelosi had to consult with McCarthy, Kelly noted, not that she had to accept his choices.

“To ‘consult’ with Minority Leader McCarthy, all Speaker Pelosi had to do was ask for his ‘advice or opinion,’ ” Kelly said in the opinion. “There is no dispute that she did. That she did not accept all his recommenda­tions, and that Minority Leader McCarthy then withdrew all his recommenda­tions, does not mean that Speaker Pelosi failed to consult with him.”

Kelly also found that the committee’s legislativ­e need for the GOP data outweighed the party’s concerns that sensitive, politicall­y competitiv­e data might be given to the committee or become public.

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