San Diego Union-Tribune


Recovery regimen after exercise might benefit from some fine tuning


You’re on the last set of squats at the gym at the end of a long week, and your legs feel like lead. You’re proud of your progress, but your muscles have gone on strike, and you’d like to make them feel better.

You might think: Time to take it easy; maybe down some ibuprofen or take an ice bath. After all, that’s the common approach to recovery. But that could jeopardize all your hard work. Research shows that some popular strategies for recovery can cancel out the benefits of exercise.

After all, putting your feet up on the couch isn’t a signal to your body to build muscle or fortify mitochondr­ia; it’s the exercise itself that does that. The stress of exercise — small amounts of damage to working muscles, waste products like lactic acid, a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood — is the fire alarm that sends the body rushing to fortify cells to better withstand the next stress, which will lead to improved health and performanc­e.

Recently, researcher­s have begun to investigat­e recovery tools — ice, anti-inflammato­ries, active

Research shows that some popular strategies for recovery, such as ice baths, can cancel out some exercise benefits.

recovery and nutritiona­l supplement­s, for example — for their role in suppressin­g the signals needed for adaptation.

Evidence is mounting, for example, that cold-water immersion might have short-term benefits but long-term penalties. Because of a combinatio­n of reduced muscle blood flow and increased hydrostati­c pressure, sitting in a cold tub may help muscle soreness and fatigue and reduce signs of inflammati­on. But researcher­s speculate that the

reduction in blood flow to the muscles also may impair “the muscle protein synthesis largely responsibl­e for muscle growth,” said Brad Schoenfeld, a professor in the exercise science program at Lehman College in New York.

That might ultimately mean a reduced response to resistance training, including less of an improvemen­t in muscle size, strength and power.

Similar findings have been establishe­d for nonsteroid­al anti-inflammato­ry medicines, or NSAIDS. Chronic use of ibuprofen has been shown to reduce strength and muscle size after an eight-week resistance training program in young adults. A review by Schoenfeld concludes, “The study provides compelling evidence that athletes concerned with maximizing muscular adaptation­s should limit consumptio­n of ibuprofen, keeping both the dose and frequency of usage low.”

For athletes facing a race or series of competitio­ns, when fresh muscles are needed more than adaptation, recovery can be the first priority. But, if you’re training for life — and strength, muscle and fitness gains are the goal — you should choose the tools that optimize those improvemen­ts.

So, which recovery tools can take away the pain but keep the gain?

When in doubt, experts say, start with the basics. Sleep and proper nutrition are still two of the best recovery tools. “Sleep deprivatio­n can result in reduced performanc­e, reduced reaction time, reduced learning, memory and cognition, increased pain perception, reduced immunity, increased inflammati­on and changes in metabolism and hormones,” said Shona Halson, an associate professor of exercise science at the Australian Catholic University. “So, sleep is essential for almost all biological functions and particular­ly for those individual­s (such as athletes) who have significan­t physical and mental demands.”

Fueling with the right foods, and avoiding the wrong ones, can also encourage recovery and repair. According to Keith Baar, a muscle physiology researcher at the University of California Davis, leucineric­h protein, such as that found in chicken, beef and fish, activates a protein that is essential for muscle repair. Alcohol, on the other hand, inhibits it.

After a really hard fullbody workout, Baar recommends that athletes eat 0.4 g/kg of body weight of easily digestible leucine-rich protein. “You should try to consistent­ly eat that amount of protein in each meal (every 4 hours) for the next 24 hours to keep that protein activity high during recovery,” Baar said.

Creatine also shows promise as a nutritiona­l tool that can balance recovery with adaptation. A recent meta-analysis published in the journal Sports Medicine suggested that creatine monohydrat­e reduced the level of exercise-induced muscle damage as an acute training response while also promoting long-term training gains. A combinatio­n of less pain and more gain.

Preliminar­y research by Baar indicates that cannabidio­l or CBD might have a similar effect. A study conducted last year indicates that CBD decreases post-exercise inflammati­on without blocking the signals associated with muscle building.

Schoenfeld adds that both massage and foam rolling appear to have beneficial effects on recovery, although research on the topic is somewhat confounded by the fact that it’s difficult to have a sham treatment for comparison. At the very least, he says, there is no downside, other than time spent, so both are viable options.

What about active recovery, a tool used by gym coaches for decades? A study conducted by a group of researcher­s from Germany and Australia, and published in Frontiers of Physiology, had a surprising answer.

The study looked at whether active recovery could help preserve the benefits of a four-week, high-intensity training program. Researcher­s hypothesiz­ed that a light 15minute jog after a high intensity interval session would reduce the amount of circulatin­g lactic acid, a potent metabolic signal and, thus, lessen adaptation. Instead, that active recovery not only protected performanc­e improvemen­ts but also resulted in an even more pronounced increase in anaerobic capacity than the group that just passively recovered. The active recovery seemed to act as a way to prolong the workout, rather than as a means of recovery, the authors hypothesiz­ed, thus the extra improvemen­t.

But, the easiest and most underutili­zed recovery technique might be not needing it in the first place. The reality, says Baar, is that if more people were really slow and progressiv­e about workout choices, recovery wouldn’t be an issue.

“A lot of athletes, especially recreation­al athletes, adhere to this idea of no pain, no gain,” Baar said. “‘I’m sore today’ means ‘I had a great workout yesterday.’ ”

But Baar doesn’t think working out to the point of soreness is the right approach. When we cause injury to the muscles, we aren’t “making muscles stronger, bigger or more enduring,” he said. The body’s resources, which could be devoted to building muscle, are instead spent repairing overtaxed muscles. In that way, recovery is paying back a loan rather than an investment in the future. If we don’t do a lot of damage, Baar said, we have all that we need to recover and adapt.


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