San Diego Union-Tribune

Wrestling with Watergate’s legacy 50 years later


Today marks 50 years since five men were arrested in Washington, D.C.’s Watergate complex on June 17, 1972. The political scandal that followed led to President Richard Nixon’s resignatio­n in August 1974.

One lasting consequenc­e of Watergate: public trust in the government began declining in the 1970s and has fallen to “near historic lows,” according to a Pew Research Center report released this month.

From The San Diego Union, Thursday, June 17, 1982:


Ten years ago today, five men carrying electronic surveillan­ce gear were arrested inside the Democratic National Committee offices in Washington’s chic Watergate complex. The political scandals that ensued destroyed the Nixon presidency and altered the way Americans regard government in general and those who occupy the White House in particular.

Future presidents may enjoy periodic surges in popularity and respect, but few are likely to attain the aura of uncritical personal trust once accorded by most Americans. Short of an extraordin­ary national crisis, it is difficult to imagine any future president leading the nation with the sweep or personal authority of a Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, or John F. Kennedy.

In one sense this erosion in the mystique of the presidency is probably a healthy developmen­t. The Watergate revelation­s ultimately triggered some retrospect­ive looks at other administra­tions, including the Lyndon B. Johnson years and those of the three men mentioned above. All were found to have encompasse­d various political indiscreti­ons — the secret taping of conversati­ons, for example — that, judged by post-Watergate standards, appear anything but excusable.

The Founding Fathers could have told us as much about the temptation­s of power. In fact, they did. More to the point, they built into the Constituti­on a system of checks and balances specifical­ly intended to guard against the abuses of power that Watergate came to represent.

The enduring worth of that Constituti­on was demonstrat­ed by the manner in which the nation’s political system survived and finally transcende­d the Watergate crisis. A president and vice president resigned for the first time in the history of the republic. Congress and the judiciary played out their respective roles and the executive branch continued to function despite unpreceden­ted political pressures.

One measure of how remarkable an achievemen­t this was is that few foreigners, including those living in democratic countries, have ever understood what Watergate was all about. In Western Europe, the standard reaction was to wonder how and why a president could be forced to resign for doing nothing more than what most European assume their leaders do routinely.

The darker side of Watergate and its political consequenc­es, aside from the cynicism it bred, was the way in which it hobbled the conduct of American foreign policy. History since 1973 has been nothing if not one demonstrat­ion after another of what happens when the prestige and moral authority of the presidency are diminished.

Vietnam obviously had much to do with this unwillingn­ess to trust the conduct of foreign policy largely to the president. But absent Watergate, the powers of the presidency would never have come under such relentless assault nor would the White House have proved so vulnerable to congressio­nal demands for a much bigger role in determinin­g American policy abroad.

Millions in Asia, Africa, and Latin America may know nothing of Watergate but they are living with the grim consequenc­es of the limitation­s it helped impose on American foreign policy.

A decade after Watergate, it is apparent that a proper balance has yet to be struck between preventing a rebirth of the “imperial” presidency and vesting the White House with the authority it must have to wield American power effectivel­y in the world.

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