San Diego Union-Tribune

Trash ordinance cost would land on seniors


Re “Momentum growing behind effort to repeal San Diego free trash pickup” (June 9): I’ve been living in San Diego for 50 years and there have been several attempts to repeal the People’s Ordinance.

The main argument against it has to do with what happens when people can’t afford to pay for trash pickup and dispose of their garbage on our roadsides and canyons.

This is the worst timing ever, and a City Council made up of elitists who never miss a meal lecturing people struggling to pay for gas and food is the last straw. Multi-dwelling condo owners split the trash bill among the residents.

What would the cost be if this bill came to a vote? The homeowners here are heavily made up of older people on fixed incomes. We vote, too. The City Council should rethink this scheme and try to figure out how to cancel the organic waste program as well.

Voters should call their council members before this goes any further.

Sue LeMontre


Since the San Diego City

Council is studying the idea of charging single-family residences for trash and recycling pickups, let me offer some enhancemen­ts to the “free” service we now receive.

The first suggestion is to provide better, stronger containers then are now provided. The lids and overall constructi­on of the cans are cheap and easily damaged by the trucks. I have been charged in the past for faultily constructe­d plastic trash containers.

The second suggestion is to provide service such as the citizens of San Marcos get. Study that service before putting anything on the ballot.

Ken Johnson Clairemont

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