San Diego Union-Tribune


- BY MARINA GURRÍA Gurría is founding member of Las Confidenta­s collective in Tijuana, where she lives.

In Tijuana, women up to 12 weeks of pregnancy can have a safe abortion in their own homes for approximat­ely $40, with a 96 percent chance of no complicati­ons and 85 percent to 95 percent success, depending on the medical method chosen.

Las Confidenta­s — providers of the first abortion hotline for Baja California — has as its primary goal to deliver informatio­n and offer companions­hip to anyone who is looking to have a safe abortion.

A medical abortion generally involves either a combinatio­n of two types of medicine — mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l — or a misoprosto­l-only regimen, and can be done safely and comfortabl­y at home. These medication­s are included in the World Health Organizati­on’s Model List of Essential Medicines.

Mifepristo­ne is an anti-progestin that binds to progestero­ne receptors, inhibiting the action of progestero­ne and hence interferin­g with the continuati­on of pregnancy. Misoprosto­l induces cervical softening and dilation and enhances uterine contractio­ns, which aids in expelling the products of conception.

Luckily for women in Tijuana and throughout Mexico, a combined regimen can be requested through shipping, and misoprosto­l only can be purchased in any pharmacy, without a prescripti­on, both for approximat­ely $40.

Surgical abortion is another safe abortion method. However, medical abortion reduces the need for skilled surgical abortion providers and offers a non-invasive and highly acceptable option to pregnant individual­s.

Regardless of the current best method to have a safe abortion, what we also know is that women and all individual­s who can become pregnant have been having abortions since the beginning of time. Women and individual­s who can get pregnant, menstruate and give birth have abortions whether government­s’ laws agree or not. To put this into perspectiv­e, 1 out of every 4 American women will have an abortion during her reproducti­ve years.

The good thing is that each day that passes, abortions get safer and more accessible, or at least that is the truth for most countries.

In Mexico’s case, we applaud the longoverdu­e work of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Morena’s legislativ­e teams to push forward decriminal­ization of abortion up to 12 weeks in nine of the 32 Mexican states.

The United Nations Committee on the Eliminatio­n of Discrimina­tion against Women (CEDAW) has explained that violations of women’s sexual and reproducti­ve health and rights — such as criminaliz­ation of abortion, denial or delay of safe abortion and/or post-abortion care, and forced continuati­on of pregnancy — are forms of gender-based violence that, depending on the circumstan­ces, may amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

CEDAW’s statement sums it up very well: Forced pregnancy can lead to torture; that can be translated into worldwide suffering brought upon every woman and individual who wishes to terminate their pregnancy and do not have access to a safe abortion

This brings us to the mind-boggling debate over whether to overturn Roe v. Wade. We understand that this is pushed through religious beliefs, but we can’t shake the idea that there are more profound reasons — related to economics and power — for anti-abortion bills to advance in states and possibly be upheld by the Supreme Court. We fear that one of the leading countries in the world might actually go through with this and influence other countries to follow suit.

From Las Confidenta­s’ point of view, we celebrate the long-overdue move of Mexico’s Supreme Court to decriminal­ize abortion nationwide on Sept. 7, 2021. This came from a timely perspectiv­e, in our opinion, as a bold progressiv­e response to Texas, which just days before enacted one of the strictest anti-abortion measures in the U.S.

In the state of Baja California, on Oct. 29, 2021, the local Congress legalized abortion by request until 12 weeks of pregnancy and without restrictio­ns for rape survivors. However, we know for a fact that our job is far from over. Maternity is almost sacred in Mexico’s predominan­t Catholic society, but horrible cases of obstetric violence are still on the everyday menu of public and private medical institutio­ns. Therefore, we suspect it will take a long time to have statewide access to shame- and violence-free abortions.

Until all abortion is safe, accessible and fully decriminal­ized for any number of weeks of gestation nationwide, Las Confidenta­s will keep working at providing informatio­n on the safest, most recent and inexpensiv­e options to have an abortion in the Tijuana-San Diego border region.

Because of personal beliefs, you may not agree 100 percent with what we are doing, but we encourage you to save our contact informatio­n because you never know when you or someone you know might need a helping hand during an unwanted pregnancy.

• Hotline phone: +52 557 390 9928

• Whatsapp: +52 664 1516750

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