San Diego Union-Tribune


Some Encinitas residents oppose move at meeting

- BY BARBARA HENRY Henry is a freelance writer.

Encinitas City Council members unanimousl­y agreed to back Mayor Catherine Blakespear’s request Wednesday to support Propositio­n 1, a ballot measure that would amend the state constituti­on to guarantee a woman’s right to an abortion and contracept­ives.

Blakespear, a Democrat who is running against Republican Matt Gunderson for the 38th Senate District, said she put the item on the council’s agenda because she is a passionate supporter of a woman’s right to make her own “fundamenta­l decisions” about her life. She said she thought the city’s elected officials ought to weigh in on the issue now, given the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic decision in June that overturned Roe v. Wade and upended nearly 50 years of legal protection for abortion rights.

However, nearly all of the some two dozen people who spoke during public comment on the item said they opposed the ballot measure and believed Blakespear’s request was simply a political stunt. They contended that she had no business asking the council to weigh in on a moral issue, saying it was completely unrelated to typical city business.

The Rev. James Bahash, pastor of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church of Encinitas, said Blakespear was being “needlessly divisive” and actively working against the wishes of thousands of the city’s residents. Calling Propositio­n 1 an “assault on the sanctity of life,” Bahash said Blakespear was forcing council members to take a stance on a very controvers­ial ballot measure.

Blakespear countered that the council often weighs in on moral issues — everything from homelessne­ss to whether to fly the Pride flag — and said other North County cities also are debating their position on the ballot measure.

None of the four council members said they had any issues with Blakespear’s request.

“Frankly, this is one of those things that it’s time to stand up,” said Councilmem­ber Tony Kranz, who was baptized as a Catholic and said he now considers himself a “lapsed Catholic.”

Kranz said one of the key reasons he no longer considers himself a practicing Catholic is the church’s position on abortion, which he said even many active church members don’t support. Many Catholics, including President Biden, support a woman’s right to choose whether to give birth, Kranz said. His comments drew boos from audience and one person called out, “Murderer.”

It was abundantly clear Wednesday that the subject was a “highly charged” personal issue, Councilmem­ber Kellie Hinze said, adding, “That’s one of the reasons I support the right to choose.”

Hinze added that she had just given birth to a daughter this summer and worried that the Supreme Court’s ruling left her daughter with “less freedoms and fewer rights than her grandmothe­r.”

Councilmem­ber Joy Lyndes said she’d recently been on a women’s rights walk and thought the government shouldn’t be making personal decisions for women.

And, Councilmem­ber Joe Mosca said he was proud the council was taking a stand on the issue, saying he thinks they are “on the right side of history.” Council members need to take a position given the Supreme Court’s recent ruling, he said. For years, many people said Roe v. Wade would never be overturned and that gave people a false sense of security, he added.

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