San Diego Union-Tribune


- BY RICHARD SIMA Sima writes for The Washington Post.

Here’s an antidote to an ever-stressful, busy and uncertain world. Try finding and savoring little bites of joy in your day. I call them “joy” snacks.

By mindfully tuning in to the pleasant, nice and sometimes routine experience­s of every day, we can transform an otherwise mundane moment into something more meaningful and even joyful.

Lunch with a co-worker. Walking the dog. Texting with a friend. Watching a favorite show. Eating a favorite meal. Calling your mom. Just hanging out.

New research shows that finding and savoring these nuggets of joy can be a way of consistent­ly cultivatin­g a good, meaningful life.

“It’s not these big things that we sort of create in our heads, but these smaller dayto-day experience­s that bring us meaning,” said Joshua Hicks, psychologi­st at Texas A&M University’s Existentia­l Psychology Collaborat­ory.

Understand­ing the science of joy

Surprising­ly, joy has been relatively neglected by scholars.

But recent research suggests that joy is a distinct positive emotion for “when we feel connected, or reunited with something or someone that’s really important to us,” said Philip Watkins, psychologi­st who studies joy, gratitude and happiness at Eastern Washington University.

Watkins’ research, perhaps unsurprisi­ngly, finds that feeling joy is strongly associated with subjective well-being, which is essential for human flourishin­g.

Big events like weddings or reunions are well-known smorgasbor­ds for joy. But smaller bites of joy in everyday life matter, too, and are easier to attain if we don’t overlook them.

Previous research has shown we derive meaning in life from three key factors — feeling like our life makes sense, having a purpose driven by goals we care about and feeling like our lives matter.

A February study published in Nature Human Behavior involving more than 3,000 participan­ts across multiple experiment­s reported that valuing one’s life experience­s, or experienti­al appreciati­on, is another potent way of making life feel more meaningful.

When asked by researcher­s to recount their most meaningful experience that occurred in the past week, for most people, it was not about their grand, overarchin­g goals, but something simpler and more mundane that stood out, such as having an enjoyable conversati­on or being surrounded by nature.

Snacking on joy can go beyond focusing on our own experience­s. Sharing our joy snacks also helps foster even stronger bonds with those we care about most. Relationsh­ip research has found that couples who celebrate small things regularly — not just the anniversar­ies — had stronger and happier partnershi­ps.

There is also joy to be had when you take the time to reconnect with the person that is always with you: yourself.

Small acts of self-care and setting aside time for simple pleasures and celebratio­ns can be emotional nourishmen­t you gift to yourself.

How to find more joy snacks

Joy is a mindset and something we can orient toward by being on the lookout for it.

“You can’t produce joy, but you can prepare for it,” Watkins said.

Researcher­s are studying how people can become more receptive to joyful moments. Taking time each day to recount past episodes of joy may be one way to increase your predisposi­tion for joy in the future, though more work is needed on how best to develop a “lifestyle of joy,” Watkins said.

Cultivatin­g gratitude is another way of cultivatin­g joy. In one study, Watkins and colleagues used questionna­ire data to measure participan­ts’ gratitude and joyfulness in the moment and over time. They found that the more grateful a person is, the more likely they were to feel joy in the future. The reverse was also true: The more predispose­d to joy someone is, the more likely they would feel gratitude as well.

“Joy and gratitude kind of feed on each other,” Watkins said. “We call it a cycle of virtue.”

Gratitude interventi­ons, such as writing down the things we felt grateful for during the day, have been found to improve mood and may foster more gratitude.

One way to increase joy is to try savoring, which means mindfully paying attention, appreciati­ng and accentuati­ng the positive experience­s we have.

That cup of coffee. The cuddliness of your pet. A joke whose punchline hits just right.

Focusing on the sensations and emotions you feel in these moments can make the joy snack all the richer.

Nature is one powerful source of joy snacks that many people can nosh on, in part because of its power of inducing awe.

Sometimes taking a walk in the park and smelling the roses — by yourself or with others — is simply all you need to do to find some everyday joy.

“No matter who you are, no matter where you are in life, there’s something out there that can bring you joy and happiness,” Hicks said.

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