San Diego Union-Tribune



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government on Tuesday for the first time advanced a plan to overhaul the country’s legal system, defying an uproar among Israelis and calls for restraint from the United States.

The vote marked only preliminar­y approval for the plan. But it raised the stakes in a political battle that drew tens of thousands of protesters into the streets, sparked criticism from inf luential sectors of society and widened the rifts in an already polarized country.

The 63-47 vote after midnight gave initial approval to a plan that would give Netanyahu’s coalition more power over who becomes a judge. It is part of a broader package of changes that seeks to weaken the country’s Supreme Court and transfer more power to the ruling coalition.

Netanyahu’s ultrarelig­ious and ultranatio­nalist allies say these changes are needed to rein in the powers of an unelected judiciary. Critics fear that judges will be appointed based on their loyalty to the government or prime minister — and say that Netanyahu, who faces trial on corruption charges, has a conflict of interest in the legislatio­n.

The showdown has plunged Israel into one of its most bitter domestic crises, with both sides insisting that the future of democracy is at stake in their country. Israeli Palestinia­ns, a minority that may have the most to lose by the overhaul, have mostly stayed on the sidelines, due to discrimina­tion they face at home and Israel’s ongoing 55-year occupation of their Palestinia­n brethren in the West Bank.

The legislator­s cast their votes after a vitrolic debate that dragged on past midnight. During the session, opposition lawmakers chanted, “shame,” and wrapped themselves in the Israeli flag — and some were ejected from the hall.

Thousands were rallying outside the Knesset, waving Israeli flags and holding signs reading “saving democracy!” Earlier in the day, protesters launched a demonstrat­ion at the entrance of the homes of some coalition lawmakers and briefly halted traffic on Tel Aviv’s main highway.

The vote on part of the legislatio­n is just the first of three readings required for parliament­ary approval, a process that is expected to take months.

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