San Diego Union-Tribune

Eilish deletes all social media from her phone


Billie Eilish has nuked “the Internet” from her phone, she said, in part because she was tired of believing the things she read about herself online.

The singer told Conan O’Brien that one thing she hates the Internet for is “how gullible it makes you.”

“Anything I read on the Internet I believe. Me! And I know for a fact that’s stupid and I shouldn’t do that because I have proof that it’s not all true. Almost none of it’s true,” said the 21-yearold, who appeared with brother Finneas O’Connell on the comic’s “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend” podcast.

She also doesn’t love that after growing up with the Internet as a preteen and teenager, the Internet now includes a little too much of her.

“I’m doing what I’ve always done and looking at the Internet, because I am an Internet person ... and slowly the videos I’m watching and the things I see on the Internet are, like, about me,” she said. “I’m like: Ew! Stinky! I don’t like that.”

Which circles back to the gullibilit­y thing. Eilish used as an example a video she said came up the other day when she was hanging out with her boyfriend, the Neighbourh­ood frontman Jesse Rutherford.

“It was like, ‘Billie Eilish is a horrible person.’ And then it was a very serious video of why. The person seemed, like, very in the right head space and they were saying all of these things. I was like, ‘Jeez, wow,’ ” Eilish said. “It’s just such a crazy reality that I live in. I’m like, ‘That’s my face. That’s my name. That’s me. Oh, interestin­g. OK. All right.’”

And she knows people will believe it because she used to believe it all, even after she had proof that it wasn’t all true.

“We don’t know what it does yet,” O’Brien said about the effects of the Internet, “but I can tell you this: Checking it out does not help the creative process.”

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