San Diego Union-Tribune



Senate Republican­s on Thursday blocked a Democratic measure to revive the Equal Rights Amendment, dealing yet another blow to supporters who have pushed for more than five decades to amend the Constituti­on to prohibit discrimina­tion based on sex.

Democrats failed to win the necessary 60 votes to move forward with the resolution, which would have removed a 1982 deadline for state ratificati­on and reopened the process to amend the Constituti­on.

The 51-47 vote included support from two Republican­s — Maine Sen. Susan Collins and Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski — but was well short of the 10 GOP votes needed.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., put the resolution up for a vote this week, even as it was unlikely to pass. He said it was especially timely in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision last year to overturn Roe v. Wade and the constituti­onal right to an abortion.

“Women in America have far fewer rights today than they did even a year ago,” Schumer said.

After the vote, Schumer said the Senate is “not giving up,” and would keep trying to pass the measure.

Congress sent the amendment, which guarantees men and women equal rights under the law, to the states in 1972. It gave states seven years to ratify it, later extending the deadline to 1982. But the amendment wasn’t ratified by the required three-quarters of states before the deadline.

Three years ago, however, Virginia lawmakers voted to ratify the amendment, becoming the 38th and final state needed.

At the same time, several states have attempted to remove their prior approval.

States can support the federal version individual­ly, though it is not ratified into the U.S. Constituti­on, so those ratificati­ons remain mostly symbolic.

Republican­s have argued that Democrats are trying to rewrite history.

“The Democrats’ novel unconstitu­tional approach bypasses states’ rights and circumvent­s the process our founders put in place,” said Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., after the vote. “This is simply another liberal wish list item meant to drive a political wedge.”

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