San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Senators should be honest about seeking open borders

- By Jeremy Carl Jeremy Carl is a research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institutio­n. Submit your letter to the editor at SFChronicl­

Well, President Trump has confirmed liberals’ fears by defying the rule of law — the problem for liberals is that he has done so is in response to their own demands on immigratio­n.

The administra­tion is almost surely correct in its original reasoning that as a result of the 1997 Flores consent decree and its 2016 extension by the Ninth Circuit, absent legal changes, the administra­tion cannot legally detain families together, as he attempts to do in his new executive order.

But whatever its shortcomin­gs, the administra­tion’s effort is still far better than the bill offered by Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein — “Keep Families Together” — which is a monument to careless lawmaking that incredibly has been signed onto by all the Democratic, and two independen­t, senators. The bill was drafted so sloppily that it makes no distinctio­ns between those arrested for crossing the border illegally and those accused of serious criminal acts who are also parents. As Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. — the Senate’s most prominent immigratio­n hawk — noted, the Feinstein bill will also encourage further kidnapping of children by ruthless gangs of human trafficker­s (a growing problem even acknowledg­ed by the New York Times). One provision that stipulates a “strong presumptio­n” in favor of family unity and a “presumptio­n that detention is not in the best interests of families and children” effectivel­y requires the vast majority of illegal immigrants arriving with children to be released into the general population rather than detained.

Republican­s have known about the family separation issue and have been attempting to address it legislativ­ely. Both major House immigratio­n bills — introduced long before the latest immigratio­n dustup — contain provisions that specifical­ly supersede the Flores consent decree to allow families to be detained together.

The primary cause of the current crisis was the Obama administra­tion’s wink-wink amnesty policies, which encouraged an enormous influx of illegal immigrants. Border crossings of adults with children soared from less than 15,000 in 2013 to almost 78,000 by the last year of the Obama administra­tion. The numbers of pending immigratio­n cases involving unaccompan­ied minors at the border pending went to 78,000 from less than 3,500 when Obama took office, according to the White House. This was not caused by any enormous objective change in the conditions in Central America, but because of specific policy incentives created by the Obama administra­tion related to deportatio­n procedures and asylum claims.

While the media breathless­ly highlights cases of immigrants allegedly fleeing violence, a recent comprehens­ive United Nations study of thousands of Central American refugees suggested that from 1 to 5 percent of them came to the United States for reasons related to their security. The overwhelmi­ng majority acknowledg­ed being economic migrants. But the Obama administra­tion actively encouraged the abuse of the asylum process through changes in how “credible fear” claims (the first stage of an asylum claim) were handled. As a result, claims went from 5,000 in the first year of the Obama administra­tion to 94,000 in the administra­tion’s last year, according to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Almost 90 percent of these “credible fear” claims were accepted, yet half were so disingenuo­us that the beneficiar­ies never even bothered to follow up with an asylum applicatio­n once they entered the country. But in successful­ly claiming “credible fear,” migrants know they can set off a legal process that involves years of appeals.

Meanwhile, amid the media frenzy, fundamenta­l immigratio­n questions go unasked and unanswered: Who and how many people do we let in? And how do we afford it? A forthcomin­g paper from Yale University researcher­s suggests that more than 22 million illegal immigrants live in the United States — more than double the “official” total. Beyond that, more than 150 million people want to immigrate to the United States, according to a recent Gallup survey — and the countries where such desires are highest are also growing their population the fastest.

Meanwhile, the ink was barely dry on Trump’s order when Sen. Kamala Harris tweeted, “This Executive Order doesn’t fix the crisis. Indefinite­ly detaining children with their families in camps is inhumane and will not make us safe.”

In other words, the only humane thing is to release them, where most will eventually skip out on one of their court dates and disappear into the American interior — setting them up to be future recipients of a DACA-style amnesty in a decade or so.

Ultimately for the vast majority of illegal immigrants, de facto open borders is the fundamenta­l position of both of California’s senators, and most of their Democratic colleagues. If only they were honest enough to admit it.

 ?? Ross D. Franklin / Associated Press 2014 ?? Two detainees sleep in a holding cell at the border in Arizona in 2014.
Ross D. Franklin / Associated Press 2014 Two detainees sleep in a holding cell at the border in Arizona in 2014.

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