San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

By Minerva



Uh-oh! Mighty Mars in eccentric Aquarius and unruly Uranus in stubborn Taurus are about to bump heads. Expect only the unexpected and brace yourself. Things could get ugly.

Aries (March 21-April 20) Uranus (the “rules are made to be broken” planet) squares ferocious Mars this week. Talk about conflict, talk about a game changer. Think about the changes you made this year and decide whether they’re really working.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) Smarts and efficiency are part of what makes you so devastatin­g. Now, with Uranus driving your sign, someone really needs to sound an alarm. Self-expression is a priority now, so grab the spotlight.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Something from the past — a failed affair, a dream that never quite got off the drawing board, or perhaps a wrong that needs a rightin’ — demands re-examinatio­n. Accept the order of the day and deal with it while avoiding major explosions

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Despite planetary pressure besetting you, power for its own sake isn’t your thing. But that doesn’t mean you want people power tripping over you. If it’s bragging rights you want, you’ll have to speak louder.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Just in case you didn’t know it already, the sixth house rules health, routine work environmen­t and pets. “Just” the daily nittygritt­y that makes your life work or not work. Take care of yourself, Leo.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 21) Mercury, otherwise known as Mr. Silver Tongue, delivers a jab in the midsection. You’ve been quiet too long. Connection­s made now, memos sent, blogs posted will bring the year into focus.

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 20) You’re a bundle of energy and innovation. How sweet it is! Except here comes Uranus with a work/health alert. Borrrrrrin­g! But, let’s face it, those two nitty-gritties are the back-up needed to keep all your irons sizzling in the fire. Scorpio (Oct. 21-Nov. 20) People and their money can get tricky. Annoying, too! A wild card in the hand of an Earth sign (possibly a Capricorn) won’t help, either. Fortunatel­y, you’re a past master/ mistress at wheeling and dealing.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 21-Dec. 21) You were born to roam — mentally as well as physically. Now, with heavy-footed Mars dominating your charm and chat room and unsettling Uranus rocking the boat work-wise, your travel and education plans are challenged.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 21) The Mars-Uranus square is a big deal that can bring personal conflicts to a boiling point. This particular square holds a greater risk for you because it’s happening in your money house.

Aquarius (Jan. 22-Feb. 18) Will you be famous or infamous? It’s a question to ponder thoughtful­ly with erratic Uranus sitting in your house of public standing. In case you don’t know it, Uranus is a planet of reversals, last-minute changes and shock effects.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Mars charges like a rhinoceros through your secret sector while Uranus puts a temporary damper on communicat­ions. Walk softly and keep your mouth closed. Such an attractive expression.

Minerva’s mailbag

Q: I’m a Leo woman. Can I make it with a Scorpio man?

A: Both of you are proud and possessive, each has a powerful sense of commitment and great charisma. Talk about a dream team. Problems arise when you get around to the big issues, like who’s on top. Work: Scorpio’s innate power and determinat­ion coupled with your confidence and charisma can make for a very high-profile combinatio­n. But, since both of you want power and control, try to achieve it in separate but equal arenas. Love: Talk about a challenge. When fire and water get together, expect life to get steammmmy! Enjoy the moment.

To ask Minerva a question, go to www.ask or write to Minerva, Sunday Datebook, San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103.

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