San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Jonah Goldberg: Shift from parties to charismati­c celebritie­s


I have a theory.

When people lose faith in institutio­ns (political parties, organized religion, etc.) they don’t become cynics or nihilists, they simply transfer their faith to people. Specifical­ly, two kinds of people: themselves and charismati­c celebritie­s.

The first category seems rather obvious to me. There’s always been an acute independen­t streak in Americans. “You’re not the boss of me,” “go with your gut” and “who are you to judge (me)?” could be national mottoes.

But it seems to me that we’ve passed some kind of tipping point.

I don’t know when it happened, but the trend stretches back a long way. Some might want to start the timeline in the radicalism of the 1960s or the selfishnes­s of the Me Decade 1970s. Others might lay blame on the alleged greed of the 1980s. The point is that Americans, regardless of ideology, are more inclined to go with their own moral or political instincts than to rely on experts or defer to institutio­ns.

The consequenc­es of this cultural revolution are a familiar lament for many conservati­ves. Self-esteem is valued over self-discipline. Regular church attendance has been in steady decline (the numbers are debated, the trend is not), while the number of people who say they are “spiritual but not religious” has been steadily growing. According to the Pew Research Center, 27 percent of Americans describe themselves this way. In other words, a growing number of Americans haven’t lost their religious sensibilit­y — for want of a better word — they’ve simply decided they can be their own priests, as it were.

In short, our understand­ing of the world has become increasing­ly personaliz­ed, governed by our own judgments, instincts and feelings.

Which brings me to that other category of people: charismati­c celebritie­s. From Oprah Winfrey to Jordan Peterson, Americans seem less interested in putting trust in institutio­nal “brands” and more interested in following the advice of charismati­c people with whom they’ve formed a personal bond.

When I use the term “charismati­c,” I don’t mean the colloquial sense of “charming.” Originally, a charismati­c leader was a king, general or prophet who seemed to be imbued with, or anointed by, divine authority. (“Charisma” comes from the Greek “kharisma,” meaning “gifted with grace.”)

German sociologis­t Max Weber updated the term. Charismati­c leaders, he wrote, have a “certain quality of an individual personalit­y, by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatur­al, superhuman, or at least specifical­ly exceptiona­l powers or qualities.”

In contempora­ry America, and perhaps throughout history everywhere, the hallmark of a charismati­c leader is the ability to form a personal relationsh­ip with his or her followers. People invest their faith in the leader, not in the formal institutio­ns or organizati­ons that traditiona­lly serve as gatekeeper­s or validators of ideas or programs.

Today, political leaders — along with celebrity “influencer­s” from all manner of vocations — have discovered that the key to success isn’t in a particular platform or institutio­n, but in having a personal following.

Institutio­ns no longer fight to fend off mavericks or upstarts; institutio­ns now try to attract them.

Political parties are late arrivals to this trend. Historical­ly, they served as gatekeeper­s and validators of candidates. That’s no longer really the case.

Indeed, one of the great ironies of today’s America is that while partisansh­ip is perhaps the defining feature of our politics, the parties themselves have never been weaker.

Barack Obama was an insurgent in the Democratic Party who in effect stole the nomination from the establishm­ent choice, Hillary Clinton, in 2008. The key to his success: He was a charismati­c leader who ostentatio­usly ran as a kind of secular redeemer. Obama’s supporters invested staggering confidence in his personalit­y. Some of the rhetoric about him could be described as parody if people weren’t so serious about it. Deepak Chopra insisted that Obama’s campaign amounted to a “quantum leap in American consciousn­ess.” Barbara Walters later confessed that “we thought he was going to be ... the next messiah.”

Similarly, in 2016, the Republican Party establishm­ent was simply too weak to compete with the power of Donald Trump’s personal relationsh­ip with a plurality of voters (and now, it seems, with much of the party’s rank and file). Ann Coulter’s latest book title makes the point: “In Trump We Trust.”

I suspect this dynamic will define much of our politics — and our culture — long after Trump, because he was a symptom of this trend, not the author of it.

Jonah Goldberg, a senior editor at National Review, is the author of “Suicide of the West.” Email: goldbergco­ Twitter: @JonahNRO To comment, submit your letter to the editor at SFChronicl­e. com/letters.

 ?? Santiago Mejia / The Chronicle 2017 ?? Supporters of President Trump rally at Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park in April 2017.
Santiago Mejia / The Chronicle 2017 Supporters of President Trump rally at Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park in April 2017.

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