San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Bloomberg’s summit visit hints at presidenti­al run

- By Willie Brown

The Global Climate Action Summit may or may not save the planet, but it did serve as a great platform for launching former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s run for president in 2020.

Not a word was said publicly, but I firmly believe the former maverick Republican is eyeing a run for the White House as a Democrat.

In the past few years, Bloomberg has donated tens of millions of dollars to such causes as countering climate change, helping inner-city programs and fighting sugary-soda makers. All causes near and dear to the Democratic base.

And he was one of the biggest contributo­rs to Gov. Jerry Brown’s climate summit.

What I noticed most in my visits to summit events

was the absence of almost any other possible presidenti­al hopeful. No Bernie Sanders, no Elizabeth Warren, no Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. John Kerry did make an appearance, but otherwise, it was pretty much a Bloomberg-Brown show.

Come to think of it, Bloomberg-Brown might make a very interestin­g Democratic ticket.

Friends: I had to chide Gov. Jerry Brown for appointing one of his old friends, former choir leader Juan Pedro Gaffney, to a $147,778-a-year slot on the Workers’ Compensati­on Appeals Board — a scoop scored by The Chronicle’s Melody Gutierrez.

I mean, it’s common practice to appoint friends to these commission­s. But they’re usually lawyers, or at least former legislator­s.

But a choir leader? Plus, there was a personal point here.

“You know, I defeated his father to win my seat in the state Assembly,” I said. That was Ed Gaffney, whom I beat in 1964. “What are you doing appointing his son to such a plum job?”

Nothing personal, Jerry said. Then he explained how he and the younger Gaffney had been schoolmate­s and friends at St. Ignatius High School in San Francisco.

“In fact, that’s how I got through school,” the governor said.

“What do you mean, that’s how you got through school?”

“The guy is really bright. I used to copy his papers.”

Di flies: I went to George and Charlotte Shultz’s home for a big fundraiser to re-elect Sen. Dianne Feinstein. The senator was at her best, making just a few brief remarks and then opening the floor for questions.

They centered around water needs, the possibilit­y of impeaching President Trump and Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmati­on hearings to the Supreme Court.

Feinstein had a good answer when she was asked about some people’s emphasis on replacing older officehold­ers with newcomers.

She recalled that when she ran for San Francisco supervisor in 1969, she was “the newcomer” and that she worked to convince everybody that she could do the job — and she underlined “work.” When she was asked about her opponent, Feinstein said, “I believe that his name is Kevin de León. I believe he is a state senator, and that’s all I know.” Ouch.

Asked what could be done to help her, she said, “Vote for me, get everybody you know to vote for me, and then and only then, help me finance the campaign.”

Biting the hand: Great piece from The Chronicle’s Matier & Ross about Propositio­n C, the November ballot measure that would tax big business to raise money for homeless services. It was pointed out that the city already spends $300 million a year on the homeless population, and Prop. C would double that.

I’m still waiting to hear from the companies that would pay the tax. Many are already big donors to the homeless nonprofit services that are backing Prop. C.

They may keep making their donations, or they may say, “I gave at the office.”

Movie time: “Peppermint.” Jennifer Garner plays a superhero out for vengeance against the corrupt criminal justice system in Los Angeles that cost the lives of her husband and 7-year-old daughter.

She makes you recall Charles Bronson in “Death Wish” or Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher. The movie is that violent.

Good eating: The line was out the door at Betty Lou’s Seafood and Grill on Columbus Avenue the other night, so I opted to try an old favorite, Firenze by Night over on Stockton.

What a treat. The place has been around for as long as I can remember. The former chef is now the owner, and in the proud tradition of North Beach, his kids are helping run the place.

I had Saltimbocc­a Alla Romana, veal prepared with prosciutto and fontina cheese, Roman style.

Honest Abe: Public relations man Lee Houskeeper has updated Abraham Lincoln’s adage: President Trump is living proof that you can fool 33 percent of the people all of the time.

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 ?? Eric Risberg / Associated Press ?? Michael Bloomberg waves after speaking Thursday at the Global Action Climate Summit. Though nothing was said publicly, he may have his sights on a Democratic run for president.
Eric Risberg / Associated Press Michael Bloomberg waves after speaking Thursday at the Global Action Climate Summit. Though nothing was said publicly, he may have his sights on a Democratic run for president.

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