San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Top Hollywood figures exiled, but few face criminal charges

- By Andrew Dalton

LOS ANGELES — The #MeToo movement has banished dozens of once-powerful Hollywood players, but few of them have been placed in handcuffs or jail cells. And it’s increasing­ly apparent that the lack of criminal charges may remain the norm.

Harvey Weinstein has been charged with sexual assault in New York, and Bill Cosby was sent to prison in Pennsylvan­ia in the year since stories on Weinstein in the New York Times and the New Yorker set off waves of revelation­s of sexual misconduct in Hollywood. But those two figures are exceptions.

A task force launched last November by Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey to handle the surge in allegation­s against entertainm­ent figures has taken up criminal cases involving nearly two dozen entertainm­ent-industry figures. None has been charged.

The lack of prosecutio­ns stems from a clash between the #MeToo ethos, which encourages victims to come forward years or even decades after abuse and harassment that they’ve kept private, and a legal system that demands fast reporting of crimes and hard evidence.

The task force has considered charges against 22 suspects, including Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, director James Toback and former CBS CEO Leslie Moonves, all of whom have denied engaging in any sex that was not consensual.

Charges already have been rejected for most. Cases involving six suspects, including Weinstein and Spacey, both of whom have multiple accusers, remain open.

In 14 of the closed cases, charges were declined because the allegation­s were reported too late and thus outside the statute of limitation­s. The rest were turned down either for insufficie­nt evidence or because the accuser refused to cooperate with investigat­ors after initially reporting the incidents.

While disappoint­ed in the lack of results, several accusers said they were still glad they talked to police and prosecutor­s, for a variety of reasons both practical and emotional.

“For me it was not necessaril­y closure, but one of the healthiest things I’ve ever done for myself,” said Melissa Schuman, whose case dating to 2003 against Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys was rejected over the statute of limitation­s. “It felt therapeuti­c to tell the authoritie­s, to be able to take it out of my body and out of my mind and report it.”

Carter has denied the allegation­s from the start. He said through his lawyer when charges were declined that he felt confident there would be no basis for charges and was happy to put the matter behind him.

California requires that charges be brought within a year for many sexual crimes and within 10 years for many of the most serious crimes, including rape and felony sexual assault.

Andrew Dalton is an Associated Press writer.

 ?? Richard Drew / Associated Press ?? Harvey Weinstein is one of the few people to be charged with sexual assault in the year since #MeToo allegation­s arose.
Richard Drew / Associated Press Harvey Weinstein is one of the few people to be charged with sexual assault in the year since #MeToo allegation­s arose.

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