San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

State propositio­ns


“It is important to note that this proposed spending commitment did not occur in a vacuum. It was part of a legislativ­e package that included Senate Bill 35 to streamline the review process for cities that are falling short of the state’s housing goals, and Senate Bill 2 to create a fee of $75 to $225 on certain real estate transactio­ns to help local government­s deal with housing and


“California voters in 2004 approved Steinberg’s Propositio­n 63, a surtax on income over $1 million to expand mental health programs — but the measure did not explicitly mention housing. Prop. 2, on the Nov. 6 ballot, would

close that gap.”

“This scheme was devised as an initiative that is being funded, in part, by individual­s and entities that are going to be receiving a share of the bond money. The pay-toplay aspect in itself should give voters ample reason to reject Prop. 3.” “It’s hard to describe how many different bad pol- icies Prop. 5 would create or exacerbate. The idea behind the initiative, which was developed by the California Associatio­n of Realtors, is to increase the number of housing units on the market. That’s a worthy goal, but any reasonable economist would explain that the easiest and most equitable way to achieve it is to increase the housing supply.”

“Roads, highways and traffic congestion are among California­ns’ top complaints about quality of life in this state. So it’s critical for voters to understand how destructiv­e Propositio­n 6, a November ballot initiative to repeal last year’s gas tax increase, could be for each and every motorist.”

“The most convincing case against daylight saving concerns the disruption and public health draw- backs of semiannual time changes. But putting the state on its own time, and out of sync with most of the country, would cause confusion, too.”

“Propositio­n 8, which would limit the profits of kidney dialysis clinics, is an example of a special interest trying to obtain from the ballot box what it could not achieve through other processes. In this case, the measure was brought by a labor union, SEIU-UHW West, that has been frustrated in its efforts to organize the state’s two largest dialysis businesses, DaVita and Fresenius Medical Care.” “By suppressin­g the supply of homes through restrictiv­e zoning and other means, local government officials have done more than most to plunge California into the current housing crisis. Propositio­n 10 would entrust another vast swath of housing policy to the very same officials — and probably yield similar results.”

“It sounds not only reasonable, but also a matter of essential public safety: to require ambulance workers to remain on call during their paid work breaks. It also would guarantee mental health benefits for emergency medical technician­s and paramedics, and additional training for active shooters, terrorist attacks and natural disasters. But, as is too often the case in the initiative process, the pitch is decidedly deceptive.”

“Since Prop. 2’s passage (in 2008), California egg production has dropped significan­tly and egg prices have risen by 33 percent, according to the California Farm Bureau ... The Chronicle recommende­d a ‘no’ vote on the first propositio­n, saying the ballot box is not the place to regulate this aspect of California agricultur­e. That is also true this time.”

Where’s Prop. 9?

The initiative to split California into three states was removed from the ballot after the state Supreme Court ruled in July there were “significan­t questions regarding the propositio­n’s validity.” The measure had been promoted by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper.

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