San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)



The vast majority of fire deaths — 85 percent — happen in homes. Yet, few families, just one in five, have practiced getting out of their house in the event of a fire. Do you know how you’d escape from each room if a fire breaks out? If the answer is no, it’s time to make a plan and practice.

Here’s what you can do:

 Walk through your home, and identify exits and escape routes, making sure doors and windows can be easily opened.

 Install alarms in every room where someone sleeps.

 Keep hallways and stairs free of clutter.

 Choose a meeting place outside — say the nearest stop sign or light post.

 Assign someone to get the pets.

 Practice escape routes twice a year, making the drill as realistic as possible, according to the Red Cross. The idea is to practice, not scare children, so it doesn’t need to be a surprise drill. Drills should include making sure children know not to go back for toys, not to hide and not to go near or touch the fire.

 Teach children to “get low and go.” Have them practice escaping each room by crawling along the perimeter to an exit and to “stop, drop and roll” if their clothing catches fire.

 If children are fearful about fire or fire drills at school or home make them anxious, try visiting a fire station or turning the drills into games, perhaps Simon says, “Get low and go.”

 For those in multistory homes or buildings, practice setting up and using escape ladders from a first-floor window.

 Not everyone may be able to get out, so family members should be be taught how to insulate themselves in a room by closing doors and using towels or duct tape to seal cracks. Those who are stranded should wave a flashlight or light-colored clothing at the window so firefighte­rs know where you are.

 Turn on emergency alert notificati­on on your cell phones. This will allow you to get alerts when a vegetation or other kind of fire becomes a threat. Also, sign up for your county’s emergency alert system if applicable.

— Jill Tucker

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