San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)



Unlike hurricanes or other more predictabl­e natural disasters, earthquake­s are sudden and scary. Sometimes there is a loud “boom” and then the house shakes like a monster has ahold of it.

As the experts like to say, “It’s not if a big earthquake will hit the Bay Area, but when.”

An action plan can save lives.

The national Ready Campaign says families should be able to answer these questions:

How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?

What is my shelter plan?

What is my evacuation route?

What is my family/household communicat­ion plan?

Here are practical tips on how to prepare for an earthquake:

 Gather the family and create a plan together.

 Pick safe places in each room to take cover when the shaking begins — under furniture or against an interior wall away from windows, bookcases or tall furniture that could fall. Stay away from kitchens and garages, which tend to be the most dangerous places in a home because of the objects kept there. Also, doorways are not stronger than other parts of the house, so don’t rely on them for protection.

 Practice “Drop, cover and hold on” in each safe place — and schedule drills every six months.

 Conduct a “hazard hunt,” looking for objects that could fall or fly through the air.

 Put a working flashlight and shoes next to each bed.

 Teach everyone to knock on something three times repeatedly if trapped.

 Identify a safe place outside to meet up after the shaking stops.

 Designate an out-of-state person for everyone to call to relay informatio­n.

 Assign someone to turn off the gas and to gather pets.

 Create an earthquake kit as a family, and include one comfort item per child, like a teddy bear or toy, as well as activities or children’s books.

 Talk about what to do if an earthquake happens while family members are at school or work — reassuring young children that they will be safe until picked up while also creating a meeting place for adults and older children.

— Jill Tucker

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