San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Memorable moments from our interviews with candidates on the Nov. 6 ballot



“I was stuck on the Bay Bridge.”

Who said it: Robert Raburn, president of the BART board and candidate for reelection, upon arriving 30 minutes late for his editorial board interview.

What gives? No, he did not drive. He took AC Transit, figuring it would be “a straight shot” and quickest from the East Bay. He apparently did not bother to check online with traffic conditions, with the problems at the AC Transit Center and congestion from the annual Dreamforce conference.

Upshot: Pro tip: Take BART next time.


“We’re just like the girl in middle school that just got her braces off . ... She’s always been cute, but now people are noticing.”

Who said it: Libby Schaaf, mayor of Oakland, in response to a question about the city’s emerging economy after years, if not decades, of untapped potential.

Upshot: It’s a good thing middle school girls still in braces aren’t eligible to vote in Oakland.


“You’re asking the wrong question.”

Who said it: Paul Kangas, candidate for San Francisco school board, who seemed to turn almost every question into a chance to trumpet his plan to put 1,000 solar panels on schools and sell the surplus power to PG&E. He suggested his scheme could raise enough money to pay teachers salaries comparable to police officers who start at $90,000 a year.

Upshot: Did we forget to ask about the solar-power solution?


“We should say, ‘Tourists stay home, don’t bring your money until this city cleans up the streets.’ ”

Who said it: Lou Ann Bassan, a retired attorney running for Board of Supervisor­s District Four, calling for an internatio­nal boycott of San Francisco until it gets its act together.

Upshot: Just when I thought I had heard it all in my 22-plus years as editorial page editor: Never had a candidate suggested a boycott of the city’s No. 1 industry.

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