San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)


- — Steve Rubenstein

Whether a home is shaking or burning, dogs and cats need tender loving care and common sense from their caretakers. Here are tips for pet survival in a disaster:


All pets should be identified with tags and, preferably, microchips.


Expect the unexpected.

In an emergency, dogs tend to bolt and cats tend to hide, as a general rule. Be prepared for unusual behavior. If your dog behaves erraticall­y when Fourth of July fireworks go off, expect much more of the same during a quake or fire.

First aid, food and water

Keep a pet first aid kit, with disinfecta­nt, bandages, tweezers and antibiotic ointment, on hand.

Have a week’s worth of pet food stored up, and periodical­ly check its expiration date to make sure it’s usable. Canned food will keep longer than dry. Make sure to have plenty of extra water, more than you think you’ll need. Pets (and people) drink more when under stress.

And have bowls, leash, can opener, medicine, pet toys and plenty of cat litter, plastic bags or other cleanup gear ready to use. In an emergency, with problems all around, no one wants to walk needlessly into another problem because of a thoughtles­s pet owner.

Transporta­tion and lodging

Train your pets to ride in a car, perhaps even in a pet carrier. Remember, if you must evacuate your home, not all hotels and motels allow pets. Make a list of those near your area that do.

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