San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Horoscope 2019:


Minerva tells us what’s in store astrologic­ally.

As 2018 hobbles into retirement, Baby 2019 enthusiast­ically waves his rattle. Expect the earth to move (literally) as Uranus settles into Taurus for a seven-year stay. Since Uranus is all about change and earthy Taurus is highly focused on security issues, the possibilit­ies of an economic upheaval loom large. Uranus in Taurus also suggests fierce weather changes.

The year begins with the sun aligned with Saturn in ambitious Capricorn. Yes, you CAN get those resolution­s written and even kept! On a long-term note, Jupiter — Mr. Lucky, the great expander — remains in Sagittariu­s for much of the year. Saj also hosts Venus, a positive placement. For a time, mighty Mars and Mercury share space as well. Look out, world!

Aries (March 20April 18) Perspectiv­e, as well as knowledge, comes through travel and/or advanced study. This is especially true for you now (and continues into 2026). Prepare for the possibilit­y of having to re-evaluate an intimate alliance. What may evolve is a new lifestyle, possibly in another country. Space and reflection become increasing­ly important as the year progresses and you step unexpected­ly into the limelight. A decision made on April 5, with the new moon in your sign, will dramatical­ly shape your life. Reap the benefits on Oct. 13.

Taurus (April 19May 19) Jupiter sits in your hormone house much of the year. You won’t want to deny yourself anything. Oh! The possibilit­ies! In other news: Uranus enters your sign on March 6. Chances of an inheritanc­e and/or bonus are strong. Jointly held funds are highlighte­d. Loans look promising, refinance possible. Financial opportunit­ies continue into 2026. Make a decision May 4 and expect results around Nov. 12. A problem regarding your

career or public standing rankles, but you’ve enough chutzpah to rise above it.

Gemini (May 20-June 19) Partnershi­ps take center stage throughout 2019 and beyond. An all-seeing Jupiter suggests that many Twins will find soul mates and most will sign contracts of one kind or another. The marriage mart looks promising for single Geminis. For the “taken” ones, another kind of partnershi­p is likely. Brace for shocks, surprises and sudden reversals. Remember: these can be good things. Relationsh­ips will open or close in sudden ways. Your intuition provides an excellent guidepost. Launch a project June 3 and celebrate Dec.12.

Cancer (June 20-July 21) Constraint­s lift in 2019, a year when “just a job” can morph into a megawatt career, a time tailor-made to streamline your life’s nitty-gritty into a semblance of order. Take advantage of benevolent Jupiter in your work sector. Do the diet thing, the spa thing, hire the office or household help you need. Saturn’s presence in your partnershi­p house calls for patience. Concentrat­e on the good stuff. June 2 is a redletter day. Plan something special.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 21) As 2019 takes off, your life’s a smorgasbor­d. If not in love, you soon will be. Hobbies may also blossom into careers. You’ll enjoy your kids if you have them, or you may consider adding to the population if you don’t. For certain you’re going to be creative. The full moon lunar eclipse on Jan. 20 signals that it’s time to bring pending projects to a big bang conclusion. When your new moon trines lucky Jupiter on July 31, view contracts and partners with a discrimina­ting eye before taking a creative plunge.

Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 21) The Sun’s stay in Virgo triggers homecenter­ed interests. One would almost take you for a Moonchild as you go merrily about refurbishi­ng homes, mending fences, pampering parents, canning peaches, joining the PTA, etc. Sound ho-hum? You won’t think so come Aug. 31, when the party urge hits you hard. Your spring break arrives late and lasts through the rest of the year. Make an important personal decision Aug. 30 when the new moon spreads its magic on you. Toward fall, new young energy in your life — possibly a lover or a creative interest — takes off big time

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 21) Though roadblocks center around children or younger friends, profession­al connection­s loom large. (The old “it’s not what you know but who” thing.) A warming trend continues throughout most of 2019. Your Libra charm and grace are much appreciate­d. As the year dawns, be alert for opportunit­ies. Make an important business or partnershi­p decision March 20 when the full moon (a super moon!) beams bright. Come Sept. 28, make a decision about you. It’s called enlightene­d self-interest.

Scorpio (Oct. 22Nov. 21) Unexpected events in 2018 changed your life forever. As 2019 evolves, fame and fortune exert their lure. What you want, really, really want can happen. May 16 is magic. You score a coup to end all coups. Life gets complicate­d in November around your birthday when Mercury goes retrograde. Say what mean and mean what you say. Like when someone says “Cake?” You yell loud and clear: “Chocolate!” By Oct. 27, lovers will have to hustle to keep up with you, But isn’t inventing new forms of relationsh­ips what being a Scorp is all about?

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Though Saturn attempts to cramp your style financiall­y, Jupiter, the expansive godfather of the Cosmos, continues to hang in your sign well into 2019. Surely you’ve felt his expansive influence. An old personalit­y structure has been (or is being) left behind like old skin. Time to go with your passion, expand and fly. The decision-making opportunit­ies afforded by the powerful full moon May 18 and the new moon Nov. 26 may easily be the most important days of the year for you.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Where has all the fun gone? You may well ask. Saturn, the so-called Dean of Students, Head of the Department of Walls, Boundaries and Rules sits for the second year in your sign. What can Minerva say? The good news is that they’re lifelong lessons that you keep. Plans made around the time of the new moon in your sign, Jan. 5, are ripe for sowing seeds. They can affect your entire life. Nurture yourself, Cap, take yourself seriously, but don’t beat yourself up. This is a time for enlightene­d self-interest.

Aquarius (Jan. 20Feb. 17) Despite mean old Saturn hanging in your mystery corner, love remains very much on your mind. If not already “taken,” a strong contender will surely appear within the next six or seven months. As the year takes off, life is a smorgasbor­d. You’ll enjoy your children if you have them, or you may want to add to the population if you don’t. One thing is certain: You’re going to be very creative. Make a decision Jan. 20 — something new is coming your way — with a follow-up on Feb. 4. Summer simmers for you; fall’s fabulous. Plan for it.

Pisces (Feb. 18-March 19) As 2019 evolves, you feel a pull between the public you and the more private one. The year ahead is about fame and fortune. What you want can happen now. Just don’t get in your own way. With Venus undulating in your house of secrets Feb. 3-March 26, the shock-and-awe factor is definitely present. Make a wish March 6, the night of the fateful new moon in Pisces.

To ask Minerva a question, go to or write to Minerva, Sunday Datebook, San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103.

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