San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

By Minerva



Venus forsakes Capricorn to shift into innovative and slightly eccentric Aquarius. Many consider the Waterbeare­r the arch-kook of the Cosmos. Expect highly original, slightly off-the-wall experience­s in the month ahead.

Aries (March 20-April 19) Though your sign is the Ram, many of you look more like deer frozen in the headlights. Why is it so hard to change — to move creatively, expansivel­y forward? The cosmos is urging you to get off the dime and GO.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Power for its own sake isn’t your thing. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you want people in power tripping over you. It’s bragging rights you want, you’ll have to speak louder. Remember, there’ll never be another you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) If you aren’t thinking vacation, think again. With Venus high-beaming your flight pattern, romantic possibilit­ies loom large. Across a crowded security line you may see a stranger — Prince (Princess?) Charming? Be aware: Venus is a past mistress at mischief making.

Cancer (June 21-July 21) Venus’ sortie into your hormone house is an invitation to share an outrageous dream with a partner, romantic or otherwise. Think out of the box. You don’t get this kind of opportunit­y every day.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) A Venus connection in your one-on-one house enables you to see to the core of at least one partnershi­p. You’ve got the makings of an intriguing dialogue going, one that will open your playmate’s eyes and your own.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) An office soap opera has you tearing your hair, yet work remains a driving force. Happily, a benevolent Venus enables you to say and do the right thing at the right time.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You’re head over heels over some quick, witty type. What’s fantasy? What’s reality? By the way, what IS that reality stuff anyway? Don’t think too much, just go with the flow. This spring can be the happiest of

your life.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) A home/family dilemma sorts itself out as a benevolent Venus settles into your root cellar. You’ve struggled with this one for some time. Now, you hold the wild cards when dealing with powerful and/or difficult relatives.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) You can expect a lot of support this week with Venus manning the switchboar­d in your charm and chat center. The heat’s on to expand an existing bond. How will you respond?

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) . Think money. You want, and are ready for, a creative, fulfilling life that encompasse­s all you’ve learned. Unfortunat­ely, some of the creativity must be diverted into pesos. With that out of the way, use your Venus connection to plan a trip.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 17) Go out, see and be seen. A work problem that’s plagued you lightens as months pass. This is the year to go the distance. Far away places bring your greatest luck. Don’t hang back.

Pisces (Feb. 18-March 19) You continue to deal with Christmas Past — or perhaps it’s really Pisces Past. Put that ghost to rest this week. Then watch frustratin­g delays fade as your stars come uncrossed. All you need do is ask and something you thought a remote possibilit­y becomes a happy reality

Minerva’s mailbag

Q: My birth date is Aug. 1; his is Oct. 23. Our relationsh­ip has extreme highs and lows for me. He sees only the positive. We want it to work. Chances?

A: Not good. When fire (you) and water (him) get together, expect things to get steamy. You’re both proud and possessive, with a powerful sense of commitment and charisma. Problems arise when you get to the big issues — like who’s on top. Talk about challenge!

To ask Minerva a question, go to www.ask or write to Minerva, Sunday Datebook, San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103.

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