San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Inspiratio­nal analysis

- Margaret Lukens, Burlingame Karana Hattersley­Drayton, Fresno

Regarding “Diverse array of candidates elevates Dems” (Page One, June 30): I was so relieved and inspired after reading Tal Kopan’s analysis of the debates on the front page. Like the author, I was deeply moved by the intricacy of the underlying presentati­ons interwoven in the two nights representi­ng so much more than we have ever witnessed on the national scene.

Until now, I had been so bewildered and discourage­d by the almost universal opinion among the mainstream press that the party had drifted too far left to win an election.

It is the very richness of those voices and analysis that we so desperatel­y need at this critical time in the evolution of our democracy. greet children’s eyes when they arrive at high school each day. The students are too young. They need to be inspired more than they need to be reminded daily of their forebearer­s’ obscene deeds or victimizat­ion. A high school is not the right context for this art.

It does send messages, and not good ones. But to paint over and destroy the murals? That is tragic, a deep loss of cultural patrimony, an act of ignorance on par with the Taliban’s destructio­n of the giant Bamayan Buddhas in Afghanista­n. How is it possible that we can’t even have that conversati­on in an open and honest way?

Voice your concerns

Regarding “March to protest mistreatme­nt at southern border” (Letters, June 30): I completely agree with the letter writer. Every American, regardless of political, religious or ethnic persuasion, should be outraged over the immoral and illegal treatment of immigrant children in our border facilities.

I would love to see a convoy of faithbased leaders, “raging grannies” and parents with kids in strollers descend on each and every one of these centers. The author calls for a national march to address this crisis.

In fairness, nationwide events are difficult to coordinate, although a vigil of lights is planned nationwide for July 12. However, local activism is easily arranged. We here in Fresno just had a small but feisty March for Vigilance, and hopefully, more peaceful protests will occur in the near future.

If one cannot organize at the local level, one can act individual­ly: Write and call your representa­tives, donate to a nonprofit that is doing good work at the border, and finally, in person and on social media, voice your concerns every day until this situation is addressed.

 ?? Al Diaz / TNS ?? Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the Democratic debate.
Al Diaz / TNS Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the Democratic debate.

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