San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

By Minerva



The current rendezvous of Uranus, the sun and Mercury in torrid Taurus triggers a wish to push beyond your personal comfort zone. Practical communicat­ions may be a challenge on Tuesday. Come Thursday, get creative.

Aries (March 20April 18)

Take a good long look at people who say money doesn’t matter. They could be aliens. Planetary activity centers around your bank statement. Make a realistic decision and stick with it.

Taurus (April 19May 19)

Yours is an Earth sign centered on values and resources. They may be hard to maintain with revolution­ary Uranus in residence. The sun and flighty Mercury currently stir the stew. Watch what you say.

Gemini (May 20June 19)

Uranus continues to threaten your house of secrets. Fortunatel­y, you’re such a past ace at maintainin­g a cool facade that few will guess you’re juggling a hidden agenda.

Cancer ( June 20July 21)

Restless planets centered in your friendship zone pull in all directions. Can anyone really have their cake and eat it too?

Leo ( July 22Aug. 21)

You better believe that Mercury is one fabulous career counselor. Backed now by Uranus and the sun, his planetary punch spotlights your public persona. A past mega goal can pay off now.

Virgo (Aug. 22Sept. 21)

Intense planetary action in your ninth house suggests expansions such as higher ed. That’s easier said than done at this time. Minerva suggests that you just take up reading and stream “Casablanca.”

Libra (Sept. 22Oct. 21)

No doubt about it, people and their money can get tricky. A wild card in the hand of an Earth sign won’t help much. Fortunatel­y, you’re a master at charm and diplomacy.

Scorpio (Oct. 22Nov. 21) Mercury moves to enhance your oneonone sector. The result? When you’re good, you’re very good. When you’re bad, you’re hot! Add to the stew Jupiter in your charm and chat center. If this week

isn’t great, perhaps you’re not a Scorp.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22Dec. 20)

Don’t settle for gibberish with work and health issues. You frequently rely on intuition to kick in and guide you. Usually it does. This time, get the facts and have them spelled out and in writing.

Capricorn (Dec. 21Jan. 18)

Even the most ambitious Capricorn needs to goof sometimes. Whirling, twirling planets in your fun house suggest that the time is now as creativity comes to the fore. Hidden dreams and desires wait impatientl­y to be acted upon.

Aquarius ( Jan. 19Feb. 17)

A fallen opportunit­y comes up for grabs. This time you’ve got planetary backup. What shall it be: Creative home financing? A decoration project? A pleasant, productive hearttohea­rt with a family “authority figure”? All of them are possible.

Pisces (Feb. 18March 19)

Three planets bring truth to your private switchboar­d. You feel things strongly and express them quickly. Exercise tact. What you say or don’t say now will make all the difference later.

Minerva’s Mailbag

Q: Your column said Jupiter’s transit in Capricorn (my husband’s sign) ends this year. What does that mean? P.S.: I’m a Cancer. What say you about us?

A: There are 12 signs and 12 houses. Jupiter moves through each sign, staying about a year. On Dec. 19, that planet will move into Aquarius, your husband’s money house. Sounds good to me!

Cancer is the cosmic mummy, Capricorn the daddy. You both have marvelous parenting skills and find caring for others part of the natural order of things. But there’s more to it than chicken soup.

You’re canny and intuitive, he’s patient and ambitious. You share the same life values with domestic and financial security at the top. Your fluid affections are just the thing for Capricorn. He craves your nurturing while his earthy pragmatism is a missing part of yourself. Marriage seems a given.

To ask Minerva a question, go to www.ask or write to Minerva, Sunday Datebook, San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103.

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