San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Siblings disagree on how sister was treated

- By Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: My sister, wh had epilepsy as a small child in the 1970 s,nws es her disease as a weap n against the rest the amily. I am at my wits’ end abtwhattda­bt the way she mistreats r 83-year- ld mt her. Shenlng eris treated r epilepsy, and her childhd mem ries ab t the way she was treated arewrng.I anything, she was spil ed and babied artlng be case her sickness. She claims she has PTSD, se sptt se l-medicate andres est gt ad ctr r help. Instead she blame s every ne else r her “terrible childh d.”

My ther tw siblings and I dnt agree with her thats he grew pin a“br kenh me .” Shecnt in ally rehashes misremembe­red things rm 50 years ag and ses them r

el tr at in alize why she iss messed p.

Her mental illness is getting wr se, and it’ saec tinge verynear nd her. Ilv eh er,bt I can’t stand t be ar nd her anym re. Sh ld I enc rage Mmntt have any mrecnt act with her? Please help.

— Int lerable in Tennessee

Dear Intolerabl­e: Yr sister appear st have mrewrng with her than her hist ry epilepsy.

Y sh ld share this act with yr mt her is he is being em tin ally abs ed. I ye el the ab se extends rther than that, a place t sa ely rep rt it wld be the Elder care L ca tr helpline (800-677-1116). It will then be pt yr mt her t de cid eh wm chexps re t this tr bled da ghter she is will in gt tl era te.

Dear Abby: As a irst-time mm, Ia ma late bl mer. My da ghter t rns 1 in a ew weeks. We are thank lt be ab let have air st birthday party ce le bra tin rh er. Q it eaew pep lea rec ming. Ate rnt being able t have a baby sh wer beca se the pandemic, this will be the irst gathering having any th in gtd with my nly child.

Myq est in is,dwep en gi ts at the party? My c ncern is, it’s already alt ra 1- yearld, an dr cinghertp en presents with pe ple staring at her seems da nting. Will pe ple get b red watching that?

The party is in a park with a nice playgr nd, and we will be pr viding d, games, desserts and ther activities. I am an avid thank-y card writer and have th ght ab t taking pict res her pening her gi ts, and sending the gi ters the ph t with the card the next day. What dy think?

— uns re in Cali rnia

Dear Unsure: Beca se y are late t mt herhd,d is css this with riends r relatives wh are m re experience­d. Yr idea is sweet,btyr1-y ear-l dis tyngtp en any her presents. (Y might have her trytp en nertw,btdn’ t cn tn it .)

She’ll likely be arm re interested in the birthday cake. Iy p ti tin rn ther,dn’ t be sr prised is he ace-plants int it. Her attenti n span will be sh rt and she may need a nap the adam eltdwn,s be prepared. Yr idea incl din ga pict re her pening her g its is a gd ne,bt save it ntil she is lder.

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